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Goldring 1042
I've been curious about this cartridge for a while, but hadn't been able to find any measurements online.
This is a truly low compliance MM cartridge (16 mm/N vertical) fitted with an advanced stylus cut, something fairly rare these days. It uses a Gyger S, at approximately 5/120 µm.
Contrary to some dubious internet rumors, it is not manufactured in China; "Made in England" is still very prominently stamped on the top of the cartridge body.
I fitted it to a Technics EPA-A501L tonearm wand, at 18g effective mass.
And now, for the measurements:
At 1.8g
Not bad at all, and certainly better than I expected for this cartridge with a relatively high tip mass of 0.45 mg!
Now let's add 200 more pF of capacitance via a loading plug...
Look at that peak and roll-off! This cartridge is definitely capacitance-sensitive.
Now for the bad: at 2.0g, this cartridge only makes it through the 50 and 60 µm bands of the Ortofon test record. At 2.5g (well outside the recommended range of 1.5-2.0g), it just barely makes it through the 70 µm band. Interestingly enough, the Audio Note IQ-III, a rebadged/upgraded variant, extends that range to 2.5g.
Overall, a mixed bag, though I am impressed with its relative flatness compared to much of what we see today. Channel matching and distortion are also good.
IMO, very overpriced at the US MSRP of $699, but it can be gotten from Europe for a bit over $300.
I think it’s a good choice if you are partial to low-compliance cartridges and high mass tonearms.