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Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

Please humor this not at all veiled attempt at asking purchasing advice, but I would rather inquire here and then provide useful data.

Carts in consideration:
Hana SL mk1 or mk2

Open to other ideas in this price range that measurements are needed for from designs/companies that have a good track record. Two notes are I am looking to achieve near flat FR, and this will be going through a CA duo and then most likely a Darlington Labs MP7b. Of course, I'll get CBR measurements from both if it is worth it. I don't have any actual testing equipment.
i dont have any experience with the hana, but its supposed to be close to neutral i believe. i have had the 33sa and it was pretty close to neutral. this was before the script for me, so when id compare needle drops of it and some made with my shure v15vmr, they came out very, very close. i listened to recordings of the art series carts and ruled them out because they were noticeably brighter than recordings of a 33ptg2. i sold the sa and kept the ptg2 because of the micro ridge. the shibata on the 33sa lost more high end by the time it got to the end of a side.

Jico J44D imp nude_47k 315pF 1.4g_CA TRS-1007 B1,2.png

  • This is the Jico remake of the Shure M44G, nude spherical tracking range 0.7-1.5g
  • Link to product page here
  • Baerwald alignment for this one. Tracks HFNRR +16dB antiskate track at 1.35g OK
  • As mentioned before, these Jico cantilevers are massive! Hence (I assume) why resonance well in audio band
  • Azimuth could do with tweaking, but not really worth it, is it?
  • Not sure what the best loading should be, used my highest C cables in an assumption needed it like the original Shure
  • Sibilance worse on tracks with already bad sibilance.
I can confirm that my original VxMR stylus look similar in fr response. This is one reason the JICO SAS/B suits these bodies well; the added resonance 10-20 kHz helps. Not so with the V-MR bodies; peaking goes into the 4-5 dB range.
You can achieve a flatter F/R with custom loading.... keeping in mind that Shures always had the 47K R load as an indicative, and their docs often stated "up to 75k R load) - and the capacitive load was also a range....

Although my experience is that you can achieve a flatter overall F/R by accepting a slight dip around 10kHz (rising a bit after the dip) keeping the range within the desired 3db (+/- 1.5db) - or alternatively you can achieve a flatter F/R through to circa 15kHz, but then accept a steeper drop off above that (the alternative that I prefer)

View attachment 410749
  • This is the Jico remake of the Shure M44G, nude spherical tracking range 0.7-1.5g
  • Link to product page here
  • Baerwald alignment for this one. Tracks HFNRR +16dB antiskate track at 1.35g OK
  • As mentioned before, these Jico cantilevers are massive! Hence (I assume) why resonance well in audio band
  • Azimuth could do with tweaking, but not really worth it, is it?
  • Not sure what the best loading should be, used my highest C cables in an assumption needed it like the original Shure
  • Sibilance worse on tracks with already bad sibilance.
View attachment 410750

This is a weak product.
This is a weak product.
Well, a 60s design made worse by a monster of a cantilever. Can be improved by using one of the various Jico sas stylus options, but far cheaper just to buy an at vm540ml or the like.
The purpose of this thread is to post measurements with known records and the same software for consistency. Posting just manufacturer plots doesn’t bring anything to the table.
Very nice pictures of the stylus! I’d say this is excellent for the price.
Posting in the proper place now :)

Goldring 1042

I've been curious about this cartridge for a while, but hadn't been able to find any measurements online.

This is a truly low compliance MM cartridge (16 mm/N vertical) fitted with an advanced stylus cut, something fairly rare these days. It uses a Gyger S, at approximately 5/120 µm.

Contrary to some dubious internet rumors, it is not manufactured in China; "Made in England" is still very prominently stamped on the top of the cartridge body.

I fitted it to a Technics EPA-A501L tonearm wand, at 18g effective mass.


And now, for the measurements:

At 1.8g


Not bad at all, and certainly better than I expected for this cartridge with a relatively high tip mass of 0.45 mg!



Now let's add 200 more pF of capacitance via a loading plug...


Look at that peak and roll-off! This cartridge is definitely capacitance-sensitive.

Now for the bad: at 2.0g, this cartridge only makes it through the 50 and 60 µm bands of the Ortofon test record. At 2.5g (well outside the recommended range of 1.5-2.0g), it just barely makes it through the 70 µm band. Interestingly enough, the Audio Note IQ-III, a rebadged/upgraded variant, extends that range to 2.5g.

Overall, a mixed bag, though I am impressed with its relative flatness compared to much of what we see today. Channel matching and distortion are also good.

IMO, very overpriced at the US MSRP of $699, but it can be gotten from Europe for a bit over $300.

I think it’s a good choice if you are partial to low-compliance cartridges and high mass tonearms.
Audio Technica AT-vm540ml
View attachment 406282

-technics 1300mk2
-art dj pre on 0pf setting (input cap removed)
-tascam 1x2

540ml purchased off of ebay from someone that probably got it from an amazon return store. diamond looked unused and not worn in yet under the scope. diamond mounting isnt perfect. zenith is a little askew, but close enough that i probably wouldnt have returned it even if i had bought it at full price. it had definitely been mounted though as there were screw marks on the side of the stylus. maybe someone didnt like what it sounded like and returned it?

for fun, heres a comparison of a couple needle drops. one is the at and the other is a v15vmr. van halen's jump from an original copy of 1984. looks like the frequency response chart. ill probably keep this one.
View attachment 406290
just picked up another 540ml off of ebay from what was undoubtedly an amazon return reseller. diamond looks new enough for me for the price i paid. best part was that it measures pretty much the same as the stylus im currently using. after measuring two vm95en's and them having a 1db difference in the high end peak, i was worried about unit variation, but this one is just like my other. same setup as before. i took the stylus off of the new cart and put it on the body i already have mounted and use so the only difference from the last measurement is the stylus assembly.
at 540ml2.png

That’s strange, anywhere else I look the ATN3600L with carbon cantilever gets 2.5-3.5g VTF recommendation, or even 3.0-4.0g

Official Japanese website
Other places

It is also the default replacement stylus for AT-LP60X turntable which has fixed VTF, with reported measurements around 3.5g. Also on other cheap tables like Sony PS-LX310BT - manual says 3g.
Audio Technica AT33PTG/II


  • Turntable: SME Model 10, arm: SME series V
  • Tracking force: 2.09g
  • This cartridge has played 2LPs at the moment, about 1h20. It's brand new.
  • Phono stage: Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2
    • 200 pF / 200Ω on phono stage
  • Cable capacitance: 200pF (arm included)
  • ADC: MiniDsp SHD connected with USB to computer (Mac)
  • Test record: CA TRS-1007 #2 Side A, tracks 1 & 2. This was the 13th measurement done using this side of this record
  • Good agreement with other results for the same cartridge in this thread.
AT33PTG:II Front.jpg

AT33PTG:II Side.jpg
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That’s strange, anywhere else I look the ATN3600L with carbon cantilever gets 2.5-3.5g VTF recommendation, or even 3.0-4.0g

Official Japanese website
Other places

It is also the default replacement stylus for AT-LP60X turntable which has fixed VTF, with reported measurements around 3.5g. Also on other cheap tables like Sony PS-LX310BT - manual says 3g.
I measured the tracking at 1.8 grams. What is written on these sites, why it is written and who wrote it, you need to ask the owner of the sites. Any cartridge can be configured for any VTF, the question is what tracking you will get. On the websites that I look at it says 1.5-2.5 grams, which agrees with my measurements.
Audio Technica AT33PTG/II

View attachment 417042

  • Turntable: SME Model 10, arm: SME series V
  • Tracking force: 2.09g
  • This cartridge has played 2LPs at the moment, about 1h20. It's brand new.
  • Phono stage: Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2
    • 200 pF / 200Ω on phono stage
  • Cable capacitance: 200pF (arm included)
  • ADC: MiniDsp SHD connected with USB to computer (Mac)
  • Test record: CA TRS-1007 #2 Side A, tracks 1 & 2. This was the 13th measurement done using this side of this record
  • Good agreement with other results for the same cartridge in this thread.
View attachment 417044

View attachment 417045
It is because of measurements like yours and the others in this thread that I made the switch from a DL-103 to the AT33PTG/II. The differences aren't noticeable at low volumes, but playing at high volumes the distortion differences in the mids and upper-mids become apparent.

Thank you to everyone for the contributions.
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