Probably to save license fees. At MSRP 799.- a shame indeed.It's a shame they don't have LDAC.
Hey, thanks for that - just one thing to note, I need to update the measurement of the ML 5909 because I think there may have been a firmware update since I did this one. So once I'm able to spend some more time doing a full ANC comparison I'll be sure to do that. For the version I heard at the time, the treble peak was quite intense and we gave that feedback to Sean as well so I hope they were able to implement some changes with firmware.Yes, Resolve's squiggles -
Here's it comparing to the ML 5909:
Hey, thanks for that - just one thing to note, I need to update the measurement of the ML 5909 because I think there may have been a firmware update since I did this one. So once I'm able to spend some more time doing a full ANC comparison I'll be sure to do that. For the version I heard at the time, the treble peak was quite intense and we gave that feedback to Sean as well so I hope they were able to implement some changes with firmware.
Hey, thanks for that - just one thing to note, I need to update the measurement of the ML 5909 because I think there may have been a firmware update since I did this one. So once I'm able to spend some more time doing a full ANC comparison I'll be sure to do that. For the version I heard at the time, the treble peak was quite intense and we gave that feedback to Sean as well so I hope they were able to implement some changes with firmware.
For Focal Bathys can you compare freq resp measurement for: BT mode vs DAC mode vs "off" ?
I don't understand this.I might be mistaken but I believe that the feedback circuit can't be switched off in all active modes, so only the wired, passive input could show the passive FR.
I wouldn’t hold your breath … If they haven’t got the licensing lined up to decode LDAC at launch it’s unlikely Sony will decide to play nice and let them add it later.Montabonel told me the engineering team wasn’t able to implement LDAC support before the time came to freeze the electronics, but that Focal hopes to add the feature later.
And never buy a product based on a hoped or promised future update.I wouldn’t hold your breath … If they haven’t got the licensing lined up to decode LDAC at launch it’s unlikely Sony will decide to play nice and let them add it later.
TIL what bathymetry i the only one, at least slightly, bothered by the name?
is it bath approved?
It's a stupid nameam i the only one, at least slightly, bothered by the name?
is it bath approved?
Thanks for the graph. I'd love to learn more about the reason for the 800-900Hz dip (apparently a by-product of the ANC implementation if I understand the video well ?). Have you tested the Bathys under pad compression in passive and active mode ?
Re the 5909 - I believe that the last firmware update was months ago, or am I wrong ? Both units I listened to were quite stable on my head in terms of seatings to seatings variation, but under pad compression the trebles peaks shifted not just in magnitude but also in frequency, which could indicate that this feature is heavily reliant on coupling and in the end un-EQable (a caveat is that I am not superbly confident in blocked ear canal entrance measurements past 7-8kHz). I also don't really see how a firmware update can improve the coupling behaviour below and remedy the - IMO - flawed concept of trying to make a pair of ANC over-ears perform similarly in both passive and active modes.