I really like the look of the UBR62, thank you. Only ever owned two way bookshelf speakers so would be interesting to see how a three way design benefits the presentation,. And it has the front port design too. Do you have any experience with it by any chance?
In the UK where I am both the UBR62 and the Aria 906 are roughly £750. Perhaps an audition is in order if I find a dealer with both models available.
I considered at that time Elac's also, I read all reviewes, but only read, because I could not find any shops around me that would have Elacs available to demo. But I could listen to Focals and I was sold, the sound is how I like it, I only miss a little deeper bass, but Elac UBR62 is worse in this regard. Below is response graph (black is Focal, green is Elac) )don't take it as a proffesional comparison) and Elac looks like it has lower sensivity of few dBs also some issues lower part of frequency range. Focal are having some other issues in upper part of spectrum, but that is where our ears are more sensistive. Focals also do reach few Hz lower. Maybe. Hard to make real judgements just from pictures. Maybe some other who has demoed both can say more.