Remember the US constitution is fundamentally different from the parliamentary system used in most Democratic countries. Our President and the heads of the administrative agencies form a completely separate executive branch. Our executive branch can find itself with no support from the legislative branch which is the situation more often than not. There are no coalitions here, just two parties. The few who claim to be independents really aren't. There are no votes of confidence or unplanned changes of the government. It's a very different dynamic which somehow has managed to not blow itself to pieces in over 200 years.
I must tell you that our system is also quite complicated, Italy:
our President of the Republic is the Head of State and represents national unity.
He calls the elections for the new Chambers and sets their first meeting.
He authorizes the presentation of government-initiated bills to the Chambers.
He promulgates the laws and issues decrees having the force of law and regulations.
Calls for a popular referendum in the cases provided for by the Constitution.
He appoints, in the cases indicated by law, the state officials.
He accredits and receives diplomatic representatives, ratifies international treaties, subject, when necessary, to the authorization of the Chambers.
He is in command of the Armed Forces, presides over the Supreme Defense Council established according to law, and declares the state of war decided by the Chambers.
He presides over the Superior Council of the Judiciary.
He can grant pardons and commute sentences.
He confers the honors of the Republic.
Therefore he controls and coordinates the Government and Parliament, but he does not make the laws, the power of the chambers, which vote for him, and he does not have control of the executive which is the responsibility of the ministers and the Prime Minister.
we vote only for parliament, we do not have a direct election of the Prime Minister, , it is up to the winner of the elections after consultations with the President, or even the President of the Republic...