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Eversolo DMP-A8 Balanced Streamer/DAC Review

Rate this streamer/DAC/Preamp:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 5 1.2%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 12 2.9%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 79 19.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 320 76.9%

  • Total voters
I have to say this again in this review thread: a $300 laptop running your choice of OS plus a $150 DAC of decent quality can do the same as this product but has a much better and more versatile "viewscreen". Why people are adverse to a "computer" as part of their audio system but would buy this sort of component for much more that is, essentially, just a computer with a really small screen really mystifies me!
I am one. It mystifies me why anyone would want a laptop in their system.
I gave up laptops in 2012. And only use a desktop.
So you need a remote for the laptop? Thought of using a smartphone or tablet for that?

We have an RPi-based streamer which we can remote-control in several ways, smartphone, tablet, or...laptop. :)
None of the above for me, thank you for the remote.
The os is the problem always.
Even on skinny machines.
There will always be restarts due to the remote communicating with host.
But some os are better then others.
Been using one of these for about 6 months now, it’s a really great device. Right now I’m streaming high-resolution lossless off Apple Music. I mostly use it as a streamer + local storage for my entire ripped music library. This replaced my Dac/computer. I love the ease of use and interface via an iPad.
Nice to see it measure well. I never had any complaints about its sound. its now the heart my my digital system… yes i do still have analog too… vinyl.
Apple Music in nearly all setups is not lossless.
Very nice, but compression? Just what we need with compression in all the recordings already overdone. Ugh. Also lacking balanced digital out, but I can forgive that as it has become uncommon.
I believe it has I2S out on HDMI connector which is balanced LVDS digital outputs. I mentioned this was lacking on the A6 and they must have listened to me :D LOL
what it does it does good, but i would also like to see more complex dsp systems and multichannel out (at least a few sub outs) as a lot of modern systems have subwoofers.

But it's a decent product, probally worth it's price in the acutal market. But not for me. i think. I still prefer a minidsp flex as preamp/dsp and a seperate streamer with a digital out like i use now. The almost 15 years old Hama DIT2000 streamer still does the job for me for that (also because i stream little) and otherwise i probally would buy something like a Wiim Pro and connect it to the Flex on sp/dif and still be cheaper off than this device with a lot more possibilities.

But for those who want it all in one to connect to active speakers that is easy to use and install, this could be a good one. It's certainly not a bad design and build and does what it promise it seems. And that is already a lot in these days...
But where is the laptop? Would you have a cable going across the floor to the DAC?

Here is an example (described):
My system for casual listening consists of:
Windows 11 laptop, about $350
Topping D10 balanced, about $150
Pair active JBL monitors (just some cheap speakers)
The laptop and DAC are located on a low table in between the speakers. There are no other audio components involved.

What I like about this system is:
stable, almost never have to reboot for OS updates
zero, zilch, nada pops or other non-musical noises during sample rate changes, power up/down, etc.
Turns on and off very quickly
Wife can operate it without a problem
Volume control is via two dedicated keys above the mail keyboard and is easy to use
I can play any source I desire, which for me is either streamed from internet or local files on disk
WASAPI playback is used to bypass the Windows mixer for HQ content, for native format rendering. Otherwise WinDoze uses 48kHz (meh).
DAC has a nice and easy-to-read display of the current playback sample rate.

I use this system like this:
The only equipment that is powered up/down are the active speakers.
The lid of the laptop is simply opened or closed to start/stop using it. I never power it off.
The DAC is USB bus powered, has very good performance, and is 100% trouble free
The system is ready for playback in about 10 seconds.

This makes for a simple "household" compatible audio system that we use as a daily driver. The weak link is the speakers but after a recent move they were something that I could set up quickly. A better pair of speakers and amps with auto on/off functionality would improve the sound and make the system even easier to use.

I am a DIYer, and before the move I had a system based around a USB audio interface (ADC+DACs) with additional components connected e.g digital sources, etc. This was controlled by a laptop running Ubuntu and software that I wrote that acts as an input select and preamp and performs DSP processing. The software was also used to stream PCM audio over my home WiFi system to other computer-based active loudspeakers I built that were located in different rooms in my home.

All of this is made possible by building the playback system around a computer and using software to do what is/was traditionally done via a stack of audio components.
My understanding is that the A8 uses a modified Android 11 software implementation. Too old. So I voted Fine.

Following Archimagos instructions I have modified my Mele to not update often. JRiver is controlled by my laptop and phone. Two Wiim minis allow me streaming upstairs and downstairs. Budget hifi that works.

If the A8 is supported until 2030 then it is worth the money.
That's only 6 yrs away, I don't see $2000 investment in a DAC/streamer as worthy for only a 6yr usage - 6yrs flies pretty fast! I bought my Topping E30 DAC in 2020 and that's already 4 yrs away, wow! I'd think 10yrs minimum, but I suppose the problem with this kind of tech that is based on Android (if phones are anything to go by) then I can't see how you could ever expect it to be compatible for 10yrs - unless the hardware is so overspecced for the job, that the manufacturer could guarantee software updates to later "core versions" of Android to keep it compatible with the various software players, etc. 6yrs feels like nothing though. Do they say how long the A8 is supported for?
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Well the Denon has optical in. I have all the internal amps turned off and use outboard Purifi. But I'm pretty sure I have read that using an outboard DAC won't help because the Denon is still going to process it through its own DAC before outputting for amplification. I think for people using receivers something like a Wiim it's probably about as good as it gets.
Obviously, the Eversolo needs to go directly into the Purifi for maximum performance. Anything else brings things down to the quality of the Denon's DAC(s). Whether that's audible is a different matter...
it's a decent product, probally worth it's price in the acutal market. But not for me. i think.
Basically the same reaction here. Not digitizing the analog inputs means DSP is off the table for e.g. a turntable, but I don't use DSP just for fun, I use it to correct the room - for every source I play, ideally. And no sub outs is forgivable (y-cables exist guys) but not ideal.
Basically the same reaction here. Not digitizing the analog inputs means DSP is off the table for e.g. a turntable, but I don't use DSP just for fun, I use it to correct the room - for every source I play, ideally. And no sub outs is forgivable (y-cables exist guys) but not ideal.
It does output to both the RCA and XLR outs at the same time. So you wouldn't need Y cables. And as far as that goes you could get some of those line level filters to help with matching subs and main speakers.
Basically the same reaction here. Not digitizing the analog inputs means DSP is off the table for e.g. a turntable, but I don't use DSP just for fun, I use it to correct the room - for every source I play, ideally. And no sub outs is forgivable (y-cables exist guys) but not ideal.
Vinyl doesn’t have the bass extension of digital ime,
If the A8 is supported until 2030 then it is worth the money
That is 6 years from now. While it might still function any support and securety patches would depend on next modells up stream being a continuum of current A8 modell. That might not be true if 6 years from now if Eversolo are on 3. or 4. generation hardware (SoC).
I am using a DLNA server on a NAS that needs to replacement (age). If I could use the internal storage in de DMP -A8 as a DLNA server for the other devices in the house rather than only for local use the DMP - A8 would be the perfect hub. Has anyone investigated this as yet. Otherwise the local storage would just be a waste of money.
Eversolo make use of Samba. Most likely how you already access your NAS today. It will most likely ignore any files other than audio when scanning for local content. Leaving it to end user how to make use of the storage space.

Q: Does A8 combine local content with online streaming content like LMS and Roon do? Or do you have to browse these libraries separately?
I don't believe that's how it works. @peng would you be kind enough to weigh in?

The X8500H with internal amps turned off has a SINAD of 104 which isn't too shabby. But I'm pretty sure the signal in your situation is still going through the 4700's DAC. That is how amir tested the Denon DAC, on Pure Audio.

I'm of the understanding that I could feed the Denon with a 130 SINAD signal and it will go through the DAC to be reprocessed and come out 104. Anyone please correct me if I am wrong (I hope I am wrong)

I believe Pure Audio simply bypasses DSP, but still uses the internal Denon DAC

Assuming the pure audio you guys have been quoting is pure direct mode, @nawfal07 is 50% correct:), the fact is, if he uses the RCA output of an external DAC with the Denon's analog input, he could use direct mode, or pure direct mode to bypass the Denon's ADC, DSP, and DAC, but the signal will not bypass the Denon's volume control IC, so even if the external DAC such as the top Eversolo model, the volume IC will limit it to no better than may be around 104 to 106 dB maximum, likely lower.

Based on Amir's measurements though, even in stereo mode, if DSP is not used, not even bass management, the signal will also bypass the ADC/DSP/DAC. That's made it convenient for him to do his tests/measurements but it is a moot point because stereo without any DSP function is effectively direct mode anyway.

It really doesn't matter because even if you feed the Eversolo directly to a power amp, assuming it has it's own volume control, or a super high quality preamp is used, SINAD will still be bottlenecked by the power amp anyone, there isn't too many power amp that can do SINAD better than 106 dB at any output anyway, only the Benchmark AHB2 and a few Hypex, or Purifi based amps (example: Apollon may have one) can achieve that kind of high SINAD.
It does output to both the RCA and XLR outs at the same time. So you wouldn't need Y cables. And as far as that goes you could get some of those line level filters to help with matching subs and main speakers.
currently use the line level filters to divide 80 Hz down to my stereo sub amp and 60 Hz up to my pair of main amps. It works well.
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