Very sorry
@MattHooper , I fully missed this one. Great questions.
Electrostatic … I have heard MLs on multiple occasions (though not recently) and while they had some nice traits to be sure, never really did it for me. Never heard Quads.
Ribbon/planar … As you should know, two ribbon planars were on my short list for long time, the Diptyque and Clarysis, which I really liked. They do some things that are very special (that huge soundstage is really outstanding). But in the end, a bit one trick ponies so to speak, not the most accurate portrayal of a recording in all cases, plus they do not lend themselves well to home theater application.
Audio Physic … yes, heard them before, just another passive monkey coffin. Meh
British … yes, heard the usual suspects. Far from neutral FR, no thanks.
Horns … depends on what you mean my horns. Horn loading or wave guide has become a must criteria for me for end game. But specifically the “actual” and larger than life megaphone type horn speakers like Avante Garde, heard them on multiple occasions and never did like them. Had the very typical “shouty“ characteristic.
Tubes … yes, in my early audiophile days, before I knew better, I played with tubes. Though not amplifiers, rather preamps. Had a very nice First Sound Presence Deluxe preamp many years ago that I really liked, in a subjective way. This was in the early 2000s, and I see they are still in business (not surprised, the owner/designer Emmanuel Go is a true gentleman in this business)! But knowing what I know now, no tubes for me.