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Effect of Cannabis use on hearing

Yeah when we stopped talking we were both like 21, he was exactly the same as when he was 14. He had no hobbies at all besides anime. Plenty of people love anime as teens and kinda grow out of it as they age, if anything he aged in reverse and watched more anime at 21 then 14. He also would say there was zero evidence weed was bad blah blah he laughed off any suggestion weed could be bad for you.
Typical to dismiss others concerns and maybe even easier when it's harmless pot and not demon rum. Denial is part and parcel of addiction. Not sure what might rouse him from his slumber. I suppose if he us self supporting and doing no one harm its his choice, sad though it may be.
Not true, btw. If you go to "weddings", which are really sex-segregated parties, there is often an open bar at the men's party. Amazing that there is liquor and pot to be found when the penalties are so stiff. Of course if you know and/or are related to the right people...no prob.
Interesting. Sort kc reinforces my point about where there is a will,....
Yeah when we stopped talking we were both like 21, he was exactly the same as when he was 14. He had no hobbies at all besides anime. Plenty of people love anime as teens and kinda grow out of it as they age, if anything he aged in reverse and watched more anime at 21 then 14. He also would say there was zero evidence weed was bad blah blah he laughed off any suggestion weed could be bad for you.
The good news is, at least for my stoner friends, once you quit your brain seems to recover. You might have some lost years, but unlike alcohol you have not been reduced to a pile of jelly.
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The good news is, at least for my stoner friends, once you quit your brain seems to recover. You might have some lost years, but unlike alcohol you have not been reduced to a pile of jelly.
Quit? As a stoner of more than 50 years... we're living in a golden age of cannabis. It's been legal here (Nevada) for 6 years... it higher quality and cheaper than its ever been.... with a jelly brain on top... lol

Quit? As a stoner of more than 50 years... we're living in a golden age of cannabis. It's been legal here (Nevada) for 6 years... it higher quality and cheaper than its ever been.... with a jelly brain on top... lol

Make no mistake. Every stoner friend has easily obtained pot, long before legality was dreamed of.
It is interesting though. Some people cruise right on with their lives, but some go off to watch anime 24/7.
Make no mistake. Every stoner friend has easily obtained pot, long before legality was dreamed of.
Of course... I didn't otherwise imply... however, it's far better, consistent, stress free, cheaper and easier (free home delivery) now, than since I started in 1970. If THC were SINAD... strains would be exceeding 120, actually exceeding 20% THC level, which is conveniently put on every package of cannabis. Back in the day... that potency data wasn't available to the consumer. I'm serious about a golden age.
Of course... I didn't otherwise imply... however, it's far better, consistent, stress free, cheaper and easier (free home delivery) now, than since I started in 1970. If THC were SINAD... strains would be exceeding 120, actually exceeding 20% THC level, which is conveniently put on every package of cannabis. Back in the day... that potency data wasn't available to the consumer. I'm serious about a golden age.
I'm seriously glad we no longer hunt down harmless potheads like a mad dog. I just wish I liked it.
I'm seriously glad we no longer hunt down harmless potheads like a mad dog. I just wish I liked it.
Agreed and understood. Not to try to convert you, but whatever "illegal" version you've tried, you had no idea what the strain was, thereby the effect. Think about the difference between an "upper" and a "downer". Now, you can choose a strain for energy (Sativa), or a strain to sleep (Indica). Also, smoking is a flawed delivery method. Now, you can have chocolate, gummies, soda, etc. This isn't your grandpas marijuana any longer... lol.
I'm most interested in this from a "marijuana as tweak" point of view. It seems that most of us who dig high end audio can be a little but like experience junkies pursuing that sometimes-elusive state of being totally immersed in the music, digging all the details, toe-tapping, slamming, whatever. Any trick you have that gets you into that hyper-attentive state will significantly enhance your audio experience. Someone upthread suggested a breathing technique, I had suggested meditation.

But come combinations of THC and CBD also seem to be a kind of 'cheat'. Far more than alcohol or caffeine, for me. Those are the only substances I've tried.

(forgive me if I repeat myself, but the "enjoying audio more" angle remains my primary interest in the thread)
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I'm most interested in this from a "marijuana as tweak" point of view. It seems that most of us who dig high end audio can be a little but like experience junkies pursuing that sometimes-elusive state of being totally immersed in the music, digging all the details, toe-tapping, slamming, whatever. Any trick you have that gets you into that hyper-attentive state will significantly enhance your audio experience. Someone upthread suggested a breathing technique, I had suggested meditation.

But come combinations of THC and CBD also seem to be a kind of 'cheat'. Far more than alcohol or caffeine, for me. Those are the only substances I've tried.

(forgive me if I repeat myself, but the "enjoying audio more" angle remains my primary interest in the thread)
Agreed, and sorry if I derailed the thread but wanted to correct some misapprehensions around pot, stemming from some scientific studies that first emerged from the UK in the.mid-nineties suggesting cannabis caused psychosis.
Its not that I find the studies seriously flawed, but I do think the narrative that has emerged most definitely overstates the risk while understating the uncertainty about a causitive association with schizophrenia. In some ways I'm reminded of the BS research about LSD breaking chromosomes. And of course once you overstate a case, either deliberately or unintentionally, people stop believing every thing you have to say. And from there a side canyon exploration of addiction.

I'm with you--the primary incentive in using cannabis is for the enhancement of audio, and it is anything but trivial when done right.
Of course... I didn't otherwise imply... however, it's far better, consistent, stress free, cheaper and easier (free home delivery) now, than since I started in 1970. If THC were SINAD... strains would be exceeding 120, actually exceeding 20% THC level, which is conveniently put on every package of cannabis. Back in the day... that potency data wasn't available to the consumer. I'm serious about a golden age.
I smoke cannabis moon rocks. High grade flower dipped in honey oil and then rolled in keif. The last moon rocks I had a couple of days ago where 46.7%THC. Very potent but they don't hurt/smoke rough when inhaling. Very smooth smoke.
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I smoke cannabis moon rocks. High grade flower dipped in honey oil and then rolled in keif. The last moon rocks I had a couple of days ago where 46.7%THC. very potent but they don't hurt/smoke rough when inhaling. Very smooth smoke.
I hear you!
Agreed, and sorry if I derailed the thread but wanted to correct some misapprehensions around pot, stemming from some scientific studies that first emerged from the UK in the.mid-nineties suggesting cannabis caused psychosis.
Its not that I find the studies seriously flawed, but I do think the narrative that has emerged most definitely overstates the risk while understating the uncertainty about a causitive association with schizophrenia. In some ways I'm reminded of the BS research about LSD breaking chromosomes. And of course once you overstate a case, either deliberately or unintentionally, people stop believing every thing you have to say. And from there a side canyon exploration of addiction.

I'm with you--the primary incentive in using cannabis is for the enhancement of audio, and it is anything but trivial when done right.
I have health issues and the doctors said that the only thing they can think of that caused this is my older brothers supplying me with cannabis when I was in grade 3 onwards. I continue smoking at a older age now because it does help me enjoy music in a big way and relaxes my thoughts. If it is the source of my health issues then it is best to avoid it when a minor or up to maybe early to mid twenties as is suggested. My parents where not poor and we where well fed/farm produce and farm meat but they where oblivious to what my older brothers where doing. I advised my my mother when I was about 22 years of age that they where supplying me with cannabis at grade 3 onward and she was very very not impressed. :facepalm:
I have health issues and the doctors said that the only thing they can think of that caused this is my older brothers supplying me with cannabis when I was in grade 3 onwards. I continue smoking at a older age now because it does help me enjoy music in a big way and relaxes my thoughts. If it is the source of my health issues then it is best to avoid it when a minor or up to maybe early to mid twenties as is suggested. My parents where not poor and we where well fed/farm produce and farm meat but they where oblivious to what my older brothers where doing. I advised my my mother when I was about 22 years of age that they where supplying me with cannabis at grade 3 onward and she was very very not impressed. :facepalm:
Well you are not alone; when I was in practice of treating addictions I was surprised how many of these individuals got a jump start--usu a sibling, but almost as often parents. Not sure what types of health problems you're referring to. I suspect asthma. Which could have also been due to secondary cigarette smoke or just part of a general epidemic whose size cannot be attributed to second hand smoke--e.g. increasing rates if childhood asthma when smoking was decreasing. Doesn't matter. I think we'd all agree that its not a great thing to do. Best to wait for complete maturation brain if you want to minimize risk. OTOH there are probably a few positives for the 18+ crowd in terms of forming a coherent worldview that includes healthy amt of skepticism. But I digress....
Well you are not alone; when I was in practice of treating addictions I was surprised how many of these individuals got a jump start--usu a sibling, but almost as often parents. Not sure what types of health problems you're referring to. I suspect asthma. Which could have also been due to secondary cigarette smoke or just part of a general epidemic whose size cannot be attributed to second hand smoke--e.g. increasing rates if childhood asthma when smoking was decreasing. Doesn't matter. I think we'd all agree that its not a great thing to do. Best to wait for complete maturation brain if you want to minimize risk. OTOH there are probably a few positives for the 18+ crowd in terms of forming a coherent worldview that includes healthy amt of skepticism. But I digress....
Asthma is a issue although it was very lightly present until age ~29. At about that age I was cleaning my bathroom with comet and sprayed some bleach. Then I rinsed lightly and sprayed Tilex and whamO I created some sort of chlorine gas. I inhaled maybe 1/8 or less of a breath and I sensed the issue and ran from the bathroom although my lips and fingernails turned gray blue and I could not get off the couch to get to the phone for lack of energy. The other issue is I hear voices. Just rubbish, negative, cutting, scary and sometimes even positive statements or a narrative. The major issue for me is what if I really heard something as compared to hearing voices in my head however that works. Sometimes the voice is so clear and plain that I check the peripheral to ensure I am not hearing the real thing. I take 4 psy meds for it and that seems to help a lot. I just do whatever the doctors tell me to do and things have improved since before coming out of the voices closet and admitting that I have this medical issue. Music for me is a relief, relaxing and a major part of my life and I would be missing a lot of stuff without it and cannabis does make music better.
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I smoke cannabis moon rocks. High grade flower dipped in honey oil and then rolled in keif. The last moon rocks I had a couple of days ago where 46.7%THC. Very potent but they don't hurt/smoke rough when inhaling. Very smooth smoke.
How are you not reduced to a drooling mess for an entire day?
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How are you not reduced to a drooling mess for an entire day?
The resistance to THC has become fairly strong and smoking unconcentrated plain flower is not really even worthy now. I sometimes stop smoking for a few days to reduce the resilience to THC. To get right to the starting point where THC has it's full effect would require months or weeks of abstaining from THC. I smoke moon rocks, I get medium stoned and I reallly get the munchies... :D The thing about cannabis moon rocks is that I can smoke them and not have a asthma flare-up. Cannabis flower is a recipe for coughing uncontrollably for me.
Smokes and pipes are a thing of the past for me - too harsh.

I tolerate some vaping (I thought my old water pipe was smoother but hey, i gave that up), but get on and try tinctures with some THC in it. it's actually pretty much proven they are good for your health (the CBD mostly, don't need THC but then again there's a legend called Rick's Special Oil).

I think my reactions to music when on something like Luchador (a great tincture) when and if it hits (I never quite know whether it'll kick in or not) are rather unpredictable and depend on the music. Some triggers intense memories and I stop really listening, some trigger my attention to focus on panning effects and distracts me from the music, and then sometimes.... but it's not that different from listening to music without it, when different moods also trigger different listening patterns.
I tolerate some vaping (I thought my old water pipe was smoother but hey, i gave that up), but get on and try tinctures with some THC in it. it's actually pretty much proven they are good for your health (the CBD mostly, don't need THC but then again there's a legend called Rick's Special Oil).
I bought a 80%THC vape pen and it was so bitter and made me cough uncontrollably. Very dry smoke. The two or three inhalations I did manage to keep down where good though. An acquaintance told me the other day some are more bitter. I must have purchased a very bitter oil. I was hoping for some good music listening sessions although I tossed the battery and cartridge in the garbage after a few attempted hoots.
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