* change your FFT length to 256k instead of 1M
* change your window to Blackman-Harris 7
* change your averages to 2 or none
* select “use 64 bit FFT”
and cosmos runoff a tablet not connected to the wall. and remote desktop controlled.
best i can do as a battery pack haha. there's no 60hz in the response anyway for noise.
also set the dips to 10v as cosmos instructed
this should have been the best settings, 2channel 48khz sampling 64-bit fft, and everything listed above.
but in stereo. cosmos volume at zero.
View attachment 346372
32bit 192khz sampling on cosmos
View attachment 346373View attachment 346371
32bit 192khz , regular non 64bit sampling
View attachment 346369View attachment 346368
no changes on the -126 dBFS
lastly added the scope and mono
View attachment 346376
im stuck at -126dBa FS
and this is supposed to be better than 129 correct.... on a grade 0