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Dry bass

@Keith_W The correction applied in the sub area in that graph looks reasonable.

Have you tried my suggestion of increasing 80-200hz or 80-300hz? :)
I made a rough suggested alternative target for you in post #117
This, but also follow the line down above 400Hz, which would basically be that 6dB drop above 700Hz I recommended before.
This, but also follow the line down above 400Hz, which would basically be that 6dB drop above 700Hz I recommended before.

Hard to know what is the right / natural slope for this speaker in the top end since it's a DIY speaker where both speaker and room is tuned at the same time.

As I understand it the rolloff from 1-10khz is tuned in, not necessarily how the speaker would naturally behave in the room.
Hard to know what is the right / natural slope for this speaker in the top end since it's a DIY speaker where both speaker and room is tuned at the same time.

As I understand it the rolloff from 1-10khz is tuned in, not necessarily how the speaker would naturally behave in the room.
Indeed. But simply drawing a line from the high end of your suggested bass curve to the natural 15Khz response shows a large excess of midrange energy, which would be fixed by a 6dB 700Hz high shelf. If that’s too much and makes the sound too dark then @Keith_W could try 3dB instead
Best results will come with best data.

What I suggest is a new set of measurements with one of the calibrated mics.
Each channel at MLP,both channels,each channel without subs,both channels without subs, each sub,both subs.
All uncorrected.

Post .mdat files here.
Get the best possible result.
Best results will come with best data.

What I suggest is a new set of measurements with one of the calibrated mics.
Each channel at MLP,both channels,each channel without subs,both channels without subs, each sub,both subs.
All uncorrected.

Post .mdat files here.
Get the best possible result.

Yeah. I admit I eventually got a bit lost. A fresh start seems the way to go.
Yes, tell your friend its a matter of audiophile life and death, he should return the audio interface within 1 hour....
Or get another one....
Yes, tell your friend its a matter of audiophile life and death, he should return the audio interface within 1 hour....
Or get another one....

Unfortunately he is on holiday. My mistake, I said that I don't need it, he is welcome to keep it. My group of friends are trying to get him started on his multichannel audio journey! I have a spare DAC, so I lent it to him. Given that the RME Fireface UCX costs AUD$2500 I don't think I could justify buying another one on a whim :p

Anyway, I spent more time fine tuning the Pultec EQ today and I think I have got it dialled in where I like it: boost/attenuate 3dB, 60Hz. Further listening is needed to find out whether it needs to be adjusted any more but it seems to work well with whatever I throw at it. Thank you everyone for your help, and I apologize again for posting misleading REW curves that I found in my stash. The most recent measurements are the ones shown in Post #137.
Best results will come with best data.

What I suggest is a new set of measurements with one of the calibrated mics.
Each channel at MLP,both channels,each channel without subs,both channels without subs, each sub,both subs.
All uncorrected.

Post .mdat files here.
Get the best possible result.

Might not necessarily need both channels measured simultaneously as you can just vector average individual channels together.
Anyway, I spent more time fine tuning the Pultec EQ today and I think I have got it dialled in where I like it: boost/attenuate 3dB, 60Hz.

Occam's Razor
And the step (from that last measurement):

Thank you all for participating in this thread, because I had (have) a similar problem with my system as well. I could learn a lot and followed the hints. Now I have the impression my system sound better. (3dB boost 80 Hz Q1.3). Will see how long it last with more listening time. I guess in this hobby, there is no 100% satisfaction possible.;)
Thank you all for participating in this thread, because I had (have) a similar problem with my system as well. I could learn a lot and followed the hints. Now I have the impression my system sound better. (3dB boost 80 Hz Q1.3). Will see how long it last with more listening time. I guess in this hobby, there is no 100% satisfaction possible.;)
What you need to see when applying gain to one way is if the (inevitable) changed X-over freq makes subs localize-able if not near the mains.
Thank you all for participating in this thread, because I had (have) a similar problem with my system as well. I could learn a lot and followed the hints. Now I have the impression my system sound better. (3dB boost 80 Hz Q1.3). Will see how long it last with more listening time. I guess in this hobby, there is no 100% satisfaction possible.;)
Happy to hear that a resonant filter helped you too! ;)
What you need to see when applying gain to one way is if the (inevitable) changed X-over freq makes subs localize-able if not near the mains.
Not a problem in my case, it's an active bass in my horn 3 way speakers.
Hi Keith,
that doesn't look good. If you want it to be dry, then your step response should look more like mine. The fewer spikes in the outlet on the right are better
acourateTest-ripol-1x2buero step.jpg
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