Again it seems that people just can't abide that people can like music that they don't appreciate simply because the music is likeable. The post two above this basically saying that, if I understand it right, that it isn't her music people like rather than they like her celebrity and the music is almost an aside.
People liked her music, which drove her celebrity. Maybe some people don't feel her music, no problem, whatever. There are people who don't like Bach or Mozart despite their brilliance. Taylor Swift is certainly not for everyone, but she is loved by many. I like several of her songs and enjoy playing along to them on my drums. I am fairly confident her celebrity has nothing to do with that.
People liked her music, which drove her celebrity. Maybe some people don't feel her music, no problem, whatever. There are people who don't like Bach or Mozart despite their brilliance. Taylor Swift is certainly not for everyone, but she is loved by many. I like several of her songs and enjoy playing along to them on my drums. I am fairly confident her celebrity has nothing to do with that.