People who say "break in" happens also say it's audible. The latter is where proof is necessary, since it implies that measurements and reviews are potentially moot depending on when a speaker is tested during its lifecycle (the objects of this argument being speakers that are well within their operating life, not vintage speakers at their end). The answer will affect the credibility of reviewers.From there, it's a rabbit hole. It is easy to prove speakers break in. All you have to do is show one that changes parameters from "out of the box" to some point in the future. Easy.
A great example of the puppy dog close sales technique. Get the customer to take the product home and then they will unlikely return it.My dealer told me that my new speakers need approximately 100 hours break-in time.
Who was this honest manufacturer?My dealer told me that my new speakers need approximately 100 hours break-in time. I got in touch with the speaker manufacturer and an engineer confirmed in an email that their speakers practically do not change over time. He wrote that they subject their drivers to very high level signals during QC testing. This "exercising" process exceeds the stress levels the drivers would experience under normal listening conditions...
Read posting 489 and think again, before insulting people with far more knowledge than you seem to have.people who say break-in is a myth are only idiots with no experience in speakers
I agree fully, but this is not break in, because it happens every time the speaker is cooled down.Car stereo speakers have to be designed with somewhat different surround, spider and cone materials because a car stereo can be used at -40° f and +120° F. My car subwoofer measures differently in cold weather, the bass rolls off faster. Even the air in a cold car has a higher density than warm air and this changes performance somewhat.
So, sure, it would make sense to let a speaker come to room temperature before critical listening.
people who say break-in is a myth are only idiots with no experience in speakers
Can we open a thread on burn-in?Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Yes They Do
No They Don't
Mod's, IMHO time to shut this down
Nothing left to be said here.
How about we come up with a membership test to determine if any applicant is a radical subjective or not.When will it all end?
Ahofer's recent post has been kind of a honeypot for those guys...How about we come up with a membership test to determine if any applicant is a radical subjective or not.
If he is, then we refuse membership unless it is explained he is on a probationary period and we expect him to take some time
to learn and accept the facts of bias influence, etc. I'm sure we could work something out.
ATCWho was this honest manufacturer?
Which one was that?Ahofer's recent post has been kind of a honeypot for those guys...
A lot of other speaker companies recommend "breaking in", some arguably better than Klisch. Not that I claim "breaking-in" does something but I must ask, considering some of these companies are really good, they must know the truth better that a lot of us here: are all of them fraudsters?