Here is my summary of
Klippel's patent application. (Should really be a summary of the summary, as I leaned heavily on the “summary of invention” section [0012 – 0038].)
Their paper “Holographic Nearfield Measurement of Loudspeaker Directivity” explains some of the claims in the patent in a more readable form. However, it doesn't cover PSFS, which IMO is the most interesting. Measurement of Loudspeaker Directivity.pdf
The Klippel patent covers:
- Primary source field separation (PSFS)
- Validity assessments, user friendliness, and efficiency enhancements
PSFS [Invention summary 0012-0025]
PSFS is to mitigate the problem of re-reflections off the loudspeaker surfaces. During tests, sound radiated from the loudspeaker gets reflected by the room walls. Portions of the reflected sound go back to the loudspeaker and get re-reflected (and scattered). These secondary outgoing re-reflections cannot be separated from the primary outgoing sound using the standard sound field separation method (which in Klippel's patent it is called input output field separation, IOFS).
PSFS is to compensate for the re-reflections. This is done by:
- Considering only the late part of the impulse response by time windowing (i.e. time window to exclude the early sound), assuming the true loudspeaker response has already sufficiently decayed before the re-reflections start.
- Using only information from the late part of the impulse response and sound field separation, the re-reflections can be determined.
- With this knowledge, the re-reflections can be removed to extract the primary outgoing sound.
- Reliability of PSFS and standard field separation are assessed using error estimations and calculated correlations factors.
- Reconstruction coefficients from both PSFS (works well at low frequencies) and windowed impulse response (works well at high frequencies) are computed. Errors from both methods are also estimated, and the optimal cross-over frequency is determined. Reconstruction coefficients calculated using PSFS are used below the crossover frequency, and those from windowed impulse response are used above the crossover frequency.
Note: In [0015 – 0016] (and [0067 - 0068]), the patent mentioned calculations of the “transmission” parameter and the “transparency” parameter. Formulas for them were provided by I have not figured out how they were derived. They may not be very important as they are probably just two of the many mathematical methods to perform PSFS.
Signal-to-noise ratio estimation [Invention summary 0026-0028]
A second mic is placed at a distance further from the primary mic. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is determined by taking the ratio between the SPL's at the primary mic and at the secondary mic. The reason is that the secondary mic is further from the loudspeaker and therefore will measure a weaker SPL. However, contributions from ambient noise should be the pretty close for both mics. By taking the ratio, the SNR is determined, and if it exceeds a certain level, the measurement is considered invalid. Invalid measurements can be remedied by automatically retaking the measurement, taking more measurements and average the results, etc.
Adaptive optimization of the measurement grid [Invention summary 0029-0031]
Measurements are first done with a coarse grid. A preliminary analysis is done to identify the acoustical center and the main acoustical axis/axes of the loudspeaker. A second measurement grid can be generated and optimized using information from the preliminary analysis.
Optimal spherical harmonics expansion order N [Invention summary 0032]
Evaluate the additional contributions of the wave expansion functions as the order the spherical harmonics (N) increases. If the contribution drops off below a certain threshold, the optimal order is reached.
Automated determination of acoustical center and minimization of the number of measurement points [Invention summary 0033-0038]
A good estimate of the acoustical center greatly improves the convergence of the spherical wave expansion with a smaller N. The acoustical center can be estimated from a preliminary scan by various methods, e.g. low order wave expansion, impulse response group delay, maximum sound pressure levels, etc.
For loudspeakers with high directivity, fewer measurement points may be taken at the back of the loudspeaker and data at in-between locations are interpolated. This, combined with the denser measurements from the front, makes it possible to use fewer measurement points to generate a larger number of wave expansion coefficients.
Take advantage of the symmetries in the loudspeaker geometry to reduce the number of wave expansion coefficients (see the Klippel paper, section 4.3).
Eliminate the expansion functions when the associated coefficients are small.
(I don't fully understand this one [0037].) In an iterative process, lower order coefficients with low contributions are replaced with higher orders ones which offer better accuracy and resolution.