I am not 100% sure what @NMixes means, but do you want to EQ your speakers or your headphones? The Neumann Alignment tool is only for speakers. If that´s what you mean, maybe this helps (see the video-description, too):Thanks for your reply.
As I said. I want to archive this „(close to Harman target for speakers) „ curve he mentioned.
Is there any recommend eq setting for a flat room to change it into this „(close to Harman target for speakers)“
Although, personally in my room i like the target curve that is automatically calculated by the Neumann-software better than the "Harman curve". The Harman curve for speakers is an empirical result from measuring flat speakers in rooms (AFAIK), not a "target" for every room or every situation. The closer you are to the speakers, the "flatter" the curve should be. I suggest you just use the Neumann curve and adjust the slope to taste if you don´t like it. But this is off topic.
If you want to EQ the headphones, you can´t use the Neumann-software for this.