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Could the McIntosh 12000 350watts blow the Sopra 1 speakers easily?

Quoting from another of his questions, here:

My room is about 12" x 26" feet. I do not really have a listening position because I end up walking around when listening to music multi tasking. Listening volume can be between 55 db to high 70s db, depending on my tinnitus.
Music is Electric dance, alternative (ie Dinosaur Jr), 90s music, classical, jazz.

The back of the room is just under 8m from the speakers assuming a close to the wall position, which he hinted at in yet another thread. So, walking around and so on, he will be close to that distance away some of the time. Of course, if he mostly sat in a sweet spot closer to the speakers, answering some of his questions would be a lot easier.

He has close to 30 threads about his current upgrade: I don't seem to recall his mentioning a source component in the ones I've read, and there are a few contradictions.

Whenever someone does this - lots of different threads about the same upgrade: it has a tendency to go pear-shaped because someone gives a wrong answer in isolation. We had someone last year who bought KEF R3s for a desktop setup because of an isolated question that didn't include sufficient detail, and then did not listen to any of the answers given to "why don't they work?".

My advice to @dman777 would be that you should get all the information - full room details, current system, what's been auditioned, the reason for upgrading, whether a turntable is involved, and so on, into one location and to post progress in that one thread. That way nobody gives a poor answer to one question in isolation, and anything that gets misunderstood need only be corrected once.
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