Ands that's exactly why music and movies sound like utter crap these days. The speaker is basically an early April Fools joke and I feel sorry for the Klippel. A horror show.
I haven't listened to this speaker, it may sound like utter crap. Fr curves by themselves are only useful to a point.
For the record, modern music and movies are mixed infinitely better than from olden days on average. There are bad examples, but I can generally hear dialogue way better and clearer than whenever I watch movies from 80s or 90s. The only exception is movies with M.McCoughnaghey (or whatever's the guy from Interstellar, he has most unintengible voice). Same with music. Actual music is complete sh, but the quality of mixing has gone up significantly since 80s/90s, even 2000s. Those records, even best of them, do instantly sound dated if I listen to them now.