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Attn mods: Images not showing up on ASR

It's just a boring image of a bicycle that I was using as a test for this thread! But here is a screenshot anyway (as another test). This one is just "Printscreen - Ctrl-V".

View attachment 269960
Appears to me to have "worked like a charm", as they say.

We could get a nice recursion thing going here with screenshots, but I will manifest atypical self control and demur. ;)
Okay, so we have a problem here which hopefully Amirm in conjunction with his web developer will be able to solve. We have the same image posted via two methods which BOTH fail to show up consistently for ASR members.

First method: image hosted in Google Photos. Copy image URL and paste the image link on ASR using {img} and {/img} tags (substituted the [] brackets for {} brackets). It worked for Amir and me, but not for you.

Second method: image hosted on ASR. Go to Google Photos, copy image, and paste the image on ASR using Ctrl-V. Works for me but not for some other posters.

I wondered if it may have something to do with the large size of the image, so I upsampled an image into giant size and attempted to upload it into ASR. ASR gave me a message that said it was too large. So it's not that either.
I just realized (remembered) I have a few images hosted at Google Photos. Here's one (apropos of nothing) from the day we sold our house in MA and moved to NH full time.
here's the link (which ASR "unfurls" by default).

Copy and paste from Google Photos.

'copy image address'.

(that won't work)

embed in "img" tags.

I am (still) thinking the OP has a permissions issue (??).
I don't get what the problem is.

Any images that are externally hosted will at some stage disappear/get moved and break the threads. It's happened on every forum I can think of.

I simply resize images to be around 1MB max or so and upload them here. No load to carry and no buck passing to other hosting sites.
Try Windows Snipping Tool, you can just grab whatever is on screen, crop it if you wish, then paste it directly into a message:


It's just a boring image of a bicycle that I was using as a test for this thread! But here is a screenshot anyway (as another test). This one is just "Printscreen - Ctrl-V".

View attachment 269960

Bring the window you want to the foreground

ALT-PrintScreen will then pick up only that window instead of the whole screen.


Snipping Tool is best, though. Crop as you like.
I can see all images both from Keith and others just fine.

Using Linux Mint and Firefox.
Copy and paste from Google Photos.
Doesn't show up for me. (I am not logged into any Google account on this computer.)
embed in "img" tags.

I am (still) thinking the OP has a permissions issue (??).
This does.

If memory serves, images from Twitter don't show up for me either. (I don't even have an account.)
Doesn't show up for me. (I am not logged into any Google account on this computer.)

This does.

If memory serves, images from Twitter don't show up for me either. (I don't even have an account.)
Very interesting datapoint! Thanks @AnalogSteph for sharing that info.
I love computer "forensics" ;)
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