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Are ASR members headphone or loudspeaker users?

Are you a headphone or a loudspeaker user?

  • By choice, headphones 90% or more of the time

    Votes: 15 6.2%
  • By choice, loudspeakers 90% or more of the time

    Votes: 130 53.9%
  • By choice, headphones between 50% and 90% of the time

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • By choice, loudspeakers between 50% and 90% of the time

    Votes: 32 13.3%
  • By choice, 50/50

    Votes: 19 7.9%
  • Not by choice, headphones 90% or more of the time but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 10 4.1%
  • Not by choice, headphones between 50% and 90% of the time but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 19 7.9%
  • Not by choice, 50/50 but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 9 3.7%

  • Total voters


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Apr 30, 2023
Schiit said it right:

"So What Now, and Why So Much Headphone Stuff?
In the old days, audiophiles went up the food chain from the table radio to the console stereo to separate speakers the size of refrigerators and monoblocks that would cook a cat. Today, nobody starts with a table radio. Everyone—and we mean everyone—starts with headphones."

Comment on what do you prefer, headphones or speakers vs. what you actually use and why?

And take the poll!

EDIT: I use headphones and IEM interchangeably, I do know the difference.

MORE EDIT: "By choice" means that you intentionally prefer either the speaker or the headphone and if you have no external or environmental factors that is what you will use. For example, your wife sleeps early, so by choice you decide not keep her awake and use headphones, while that is very considerate of you, your wife going to bed early and your house is not sound proofed is an environmental factor so it's really not by choice of preference; if your wife could sleep through the high volume sound, you would of use speakers instead because that's what you preferred.
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Back when I had crappy speakers, I used headphones. Pretty straightforward.
For me, definitely preferring speakers. I never find wearing headphones comfortable, nor IEM. If I want to listen to music or watch movie without disturbing others, the most I can bear with is Airpods.
I now live in an apartment, so I listen more and more with headphones than before. This despite the fact that the neighbors are not that sensitive to sound, but it feels more natural to use headphones more now than when I lived on the country side.:)
Here's another poll with a similar question:
ahh, the AI did not pull this thread up for me so I did not know about it. But my poll options are a bit more granular though.
I use headphones mainly when I don't want to disturb my wife. Although we have neighbours in the house they have never complained even when I play bass heavy music/movies after midnight - lucky me.
I used to be headphones 100% of the time because speakers take up a lot more space and disturb others.

Then I got a cut on one of my ears which "healed" into one of those scars which never stops itching so I can no longer wear headphones indefinitely like I used to.

I then ended up building some custom furniture to make room for some speakers.
I used to be headphones 100% of the time because speakers take up a lot more space and disturb others.

Then do you consider that as by choice if you were using headphones because of space and you didn't wanted to disturb others?
It guess it started by necessity but after 15+ years of nearly exclusive use it became preference.
Wow, I am speakers only, but I am surprised headphones didn't score higher.
Wow, I am speakers only, but I am surprised headphones didn't score higher.
Furthermore, based on the current poll,it appears folks who uses headphone primarily or most of the time, is not doing so by choice. From the comments, it appears there are external or circumstantial factors that makes them turn to headphones.
I often use closed back headphones at home even when I’m alone.
One reason is noise from neighbors or the street but mostly I like being „disconnected“ from everything.
Furthermore, based on the current poll,it appears folks who uses headphone primarily or most of the time, is not doing so by choice. From the comments, it appears there are external or circumstantial factors that makes them turn to headphones.
That, or the people who use headphones don't care as much about polls as the folks who don't .
So I am closed back headphones in work (and when commuting ) - but do I work from home allot more since covid, so can use (and prefer) speakers, but then once my wife goes to bed I will switch to open back headphones. When out walking I actually prefer IEM's.
That, or the people who use headphones don't care as much about polls as the folks who don't .
:D Ha! Good point!!! :D

I took a statistics & probability class (or two) and it makes me question statistics and survey results, etc. I don't remember much of the mathematical/analytical details but it did give me a different way of thinking about these things.
Getting people to answer the poll is the stickiest part.
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