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Are ASR members headphone or loudspeaker users?

Are you a headphone or a loudspeaker user?

  • By choice, headphones 90% or more of the time

    Votes: 15 6.2%
  • By choice, loudspeakers 90% or more of the time

    Votes: 130 53.9%
  • By choice, headphones between 50% and 90% of the time

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • By choice, loudspeakers between 50% and 90% of the time

    Votes: 32 13.3%
  • By choice, 50/50

    Votes: 19 7.9%
  • Not by choice, headphones 90% or more of the time but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 10 4.1%
  • Not by choice, headphones between 50% and 90% of the time but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 19 7.9%
  • Not by choice, 50/50 but prefer loudspeakers

    Votes: 9 3.7%

  • Total voters
I find it hard to imagine a situation where someone uses loudspeakers 90% of the time until you simply don't listen to anything when you can't use speakers.

I only ever listen to music on loudspeakers.

I don't like headphones.

Also, these days I tend to take listening to music as a dedicated activity. I don't have music going on in the background a lot - sometimes, but not a lot. If I do that I tend to get over-saturated with music and just want quiet after a while, and feel less inclined to sit in front of my stereo to listen. In a similar way I'm not motivated to have music going all the time including when I'm out and about, walking or whatever. So..I have only some time dedicated to listening to music, and when that comes I sit down in front of my system, which for me is a far more compelling experience than headphones.

The other place I listen to music is in my car and I truly love that too. But, again, not headphones.

(And I'm sort of bummed out by the everyone-using-headphones thing these days. For instance, riding in the car with my sons, we used to play DJ and listen to the same music, making at a more communal family affair. Now they just put on their headphones, go in to their own worlds and listen separately).
Schiit said it right:

"So What Now, and Why So Much Headphone Stuff?
In the old days, audiophiles went up the food chain from the table radio to the console stereo to separate speakers the size of refrigerators and monoblocks that would cook a cat. Today, nobody starts with a table radio. Everyone—and we mean everyone—starts with headphones."

Comment on what do you prefer, headphones or speakers vs. what you actually use and why?

And take the poll!

EDIT: I use headphones and IEM interchangeably, I do know the difference.

MORE EDIT: "By choice" means that you intentionally prefer either the speaker or the headphone and if you have no external or environmental factors that is what you will use. For example, your wife sleeps early, so by choice you decide not keep her awake and use headphones, while that is very considerate of you, your wife going to bed early and your house is not sound proofed is an environmental factor so it's really not by choice of preference; if your wife could sleep through the high volume sound, you would of use speakers instead because that's what you preferred.
that schiit statement is so full of bullocks i can smell it through the screen.

They're doing headphone stuff because they can't compete on the loudspeaker market. that's why.
(And I'm sort of bummed out by the everyone-using-headphones thing these days. For instance, riding in the car with my sons, we used to play DJ and listen to the same music, making at a more communal family affair. Now they just put on their headphones, go in to their own worlds and listen separately).
I feel you. But I think it's the phase of life that these kids are going through.
that schiit statement is so full of bullocks i can smell it through the screen.

They're doing headphone stuff because they can't compete on the loudspeaker market. that's why.
I think it's more of the targeted market segment that they are after. In the US, there aren't many HiFi companies that focuses on headphones, so maybe they see an market opportunity and decided that that is where they want to build their niche?
And when i hear/ see the downstairs neighbour leave, the volume goes up!
and when they make more noise than your music.
the folks BELOW me can be HEARD walking through their apt. their efn kid screams every morning for godknowswhat reason.
so i have a hard time being considerate.
BUT if you live in an apartment, you simply have to accept that you have neighbors and it works BOTH ways. You should be able to play music even if the neighbors can hear a bit of it. You simply have to accept that as a neighbor. Otherwise, if you were to be as quiet as a mouse, it would be unbearable to live in an apartment.

Quiet between approximately 08:00 and 22:00 is otherwise a good rule that many who live in an apartment adhere to.

Song, Title:

"I hear how they lie with each other in the floor above"

"I hear how they lie with each other
In the floor above
She sounds so happy
She sounds so nice
She tells me

That it feels so nice
That she is doing so well
She sounds so happy
She sounds so nice

I hear how they lie with each other
In the floor above
I can't hear him
But she sounds good"

do you mean 2200 to 0800.
When I was a teenager (in the '70s) I used headphones 95% of the time because my mom didn't want to hear Zeppelin blasting from my room. Now that I'm an old, I use speakers 95% of the time, because now I don't give a shift who hears Zeppelin blasting from my room.
speakers, speakers, speakers.
i have some old sennheisers from my dj days. i cant remember the last time i used them.
at home, it is most definitely 90% speakers.
i use earbuds when im out and about and want to hear music, exercising early in the morn. and at work when possible.
When I was a teenager (in the '70s) I used headphones 95% of the time because my mom didn't want to hear Zeppelin blasting from my room. Now that I'm an old, I use speakers 95% of the time, because now I don't give a shift who hears Zeppelin blasting from my room.

Admittedly, one blessing of my son using ear buds is my not having to listen to a lot of Rap.
and when they make more noise than your music.
the folks BELOW me can be HEARD walking through their apt. their efn kid screams every morning for godknowswhat reason.
That's when you play some Ornette Coleman or John Zorn (I recommend "Spy vs Spy") at full volume...;)
I’d almost certainly prefer to use loudspeakers because I prefer the soundstage and realism they give me listening to music. And that is even more pronounced when listening to music/shows that are enhanced by Surround sound.
The only time I use over-ear headphones (ANC) are when there’s noise that can interfere (which where I live is caused by many things including talking, poultry, dogs, people sawing trees, traffic, rain, crickets at night etc.). And of course if I travel, then the headphones get all my attention
I dislike using headphones for a number of reasons. Weird stereo is one. But the biggest is that I dislike the feeling of being isolated from my acoustic environment. Losing situational awareness makes me uncomfortable and jumpy.
IMO you should never wear headphones in public for that reason. I was in the park the other day and saw a lady i know and she started to cross the road towards me right in front of a car! Yes she had phones on/in her ears
I dislike using headphones for a number of reasons. Weird stereo is one. But the biggest is that I dislike the feeling of being isolated from my acoustic environment. Losing situational awareness makes me uncomfortable and jumpy.

This is why I have bone conduction headphones for cycling. You should try it.
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