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AMP upgrade guidance

A lot of reading and many white nights from the begging of this thread
thanks for all your feedback. So far I’m researching class D amps ( purifi and hype and co) and I’m planning to listen SPL Diamond DAC for a possible upgrade. I’m keeping the speakers for now…love them too much
Having a stereo hobby for over 40 years, I get wanting to try different components. However, I am curious as to why you want a different DAC. Your Yggdrasil - depending on which version you have - measured much worse than cheap DACs or pretty close to cheap good measuring DACs. You are unlikely to tell the difference in a matched volume blind test between your current DAC - even the worst measuring version - and anything else. Now, if you want to play DSD or other files that the Schiit won’t play - that would be a function difference. Like I mentioned before, verify and think for yourself.
In one of the previous posts it was said that the bad measurements results into non neutral musical representation which is not what I’m looking for. That is the reason why I’m researching now. I own the og version.
In one of the previous posts it was said that the bad measurements results into non neutral musical representation which is not what I’m looking for. That is the reason why I’m researching now. I own the og version.
You probably won't hear any difference in a blind test. Since you already own the Schiit, why change now?
Now, if you just want something different - I get that - part of any hobby.
Good to hear that you are doing some independent research.
Interesting. I've heard the speakers before buying and did a lot of research - most of the review websites speak super high of act. For my these speakers have been a huge financial step. Now i wonder if staying with elac would have been better.
ATC are a very high quality manufacturer however I have listened to their professional monitor range and these are night and day compared to the ATC SCM40's even though the 40's are quite expensive. A lot of the money in ATC goes into bespoke cabinetry, drivers and a sound and spec from the late 70's. Not a bad thing however as I said a large portion of their purchase price is devoted to the cabinets alone.
I love the quality of the speakers. If I discover I want to change the speakers too…then I’ll probably look at Elac (again) or ProAc. TBD. I need to to a lot of listening.
where I’m a bit confused is…the dac. I love the softness and dynamics of the multibit or r2r. Some time ago when I decided to switch my rd26 rockna (Wolfson WM8741) to shiit I was running away from the sharp and metalic sound of the ess for example. as I read these days, akm is The closest to what I’m looking for. To be listened.
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I love the quality of the speakers. If I discover I want to change the speakers too…then I’ll probably look at Elac (again) or ProAc. TBD. I need to to a lot of listening.
where I’m a bit confused is…the dac. I love the softness and dynamics of the multibit or r2r. Some time ago when I decided to switch my rd26 rockna (Wolfson WM8741) to shiit I was running away from the sharp and metalic sound of the ess for example. as I read these days, akm is The closest to what I’m looking for. To be listened.
Have a look at this video. It is time well invested as it will simplify your selection process greatly once you understood it.

Hi all,
just close the loop on this topic. I made my decision on the upgrade and finally made it.
I am happy with the power, the sound and as well the new look of the combo. the measurements of the M5000 show it's 137W/8ohm which is strong enough I believe
M5000+C5000 replacing the as2200
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