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A Call For Humor!


I'm reminded of an old SNL fake commercial in the 70's that I never forgot. It was just after dual blade razors came out, and this SNL commercial was a slick looking commercial for a new razor, with the usual graphics of a razor commercial, a 3 bladed version:

“Triple Track,” a three-bladed razor, with “not just two blades in one system, but three stainless, platinum teflex-coated blades melded together to form on incredible shaving cartridge.”

It ended with the narrator's line: “Because you’ll believe anything.”

And of course, it wasn't long before triple blade razors came out :). (And quadruple...)
I'm reminded of an old SNL fake commercial in the 70's that I never forgot. It was just after dual blade razors came out, and this SNL commercial was a slick looking commercial for a new razor, with the usual graphics of a razor commercial, a 3 bladed version:

“Triple Track,” a three-bladed razor, with “not just two blades in one system, but three stainless, platinum teflex-coated blades melded together to form on incredible shaving cartridge.”

It ended with the narrator's line: “Because you’ll believe anything.”

And of course, it wasn't long before triple blade razors came out :). (And quadruple...)

Try 5:


I still use ye olde safety razors:
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