
  1. C

    Wharfedale Linton with HEADquarter Audio modification

    Does anyone have experience with the modification(s) done on the Linton by this German company HEADquarter Audio? They say it enhances detail (opens up the sound) while keeping the signature sound of the Lintons. What does this mean for accuracy of the sound? Link to Youtube channel...
  2. Matias

    MoFi SourcePoint 888 Review and Measurements by Erin

    Impressive speaker, nicely balanced. 5000 USD. https://www.erinsaudiocorner.com/loudspeakers/mofi_soucepoint_888/
  3. LIΟN

    Has anyone experienced this coming from asymmetric itd?

    First of all, this is my experience with BRIR. I think it's going to be the same in real life, but please note that it would be unrealistic to place the problem the same and run it as it is. I'm enjoying BRIR, XTC and I try a lot of things in the meantime. Not long ago, I was thinking to myself...
  4. F

    2 way or three way speaker

    I have a 3 way speaker and recently i have noticed that most the sound including vocals is coming from the mid range speaker. Tweeter is like it’s not even there. My question is so in a two way speaker does the tweeter do all the work ? I mean all the sound and vocals comes from tweeter except...
  5. Melodic

    Genelec 8260a or 8341a for desk listening.

    Hello, all! I've been lurking for a while, but am getting ready to put down a decent amount of money for a new desk setup after deciding that I needed an upgrade and moving my 8030cs (Amir's review was what convinced me to decide to buy them and he was right on the money! Great speakers!) to the...
  6. A

    New Wharfedale speakers - but which one?

    Hello together, im planning to buy a second pair of speakers maybe for my main system or for my second system. On my main system i use KEF R3 Meta speakers. The current favorites for the second speakers are: - Wharfedale EVO 4.3 - Wharfedate EVO 4.4 - Wharfedale Linton The plan is to buy...
  7. P

    Looking for Bookshelf Speakers with Clarity and Brightness for Nearfield Listening

    Hello everyone, Brazilian planning to buy speakers for my house in Argentina. I'm currently using a Sony STR-DE895 (more info below) receiver and I'm interested in finding a pair of bookshelf speakers that excel in clarity and have a slightly brighter sound signature. These speakers would...
  8. M

    Adam T5v vs Kali LP-UNF

    Hello, I'm in the market for desktop speakers (most likely active) in the 300-400 euro range. They will be used mainly for music, movies, and some gaming. After looking around a bit, I've basically narrowed my options down to two: the Adam Audio T5V and the Kali LP-UNF (both about 350 euros...
  9. Buu

    LCR setup. Will you take up the challenge?

    Greetings from Poland here. I know that some of you will rup your head and say: what he hell is doing - it will not work and it's rubbish, but let try to find the way from this situation :) I'm not movie or audio freak :) I can watch the movie with small wireless speaker ;) It will be rather...
  10. H

    Best Speaker Value

    What's the best way to find quality speakers on a budget? Should I buy used Original Large Advents (good condition) for $400? Would I be better off putting that money into new speakers? I have a Marantz 2230b receiver (30 watts per channel) and understand that I'd have to find more power to...
  11. B

    What are my upgrade options from Adam T5V

    Hey everyone! This is my first post here, so glad to meet y'all. About 2 years ago I got myself into the speakers world with a pair of Adam Audio T5Vs. My choice was based on the plethora of positive reviews on these speakers. They indeed did not disappoint, really balanced set with quite a bit...
  12. RickS

    Introducing Denotiva DIY speakers!

    Well was planning to wait until a later date to announce this, but the budget Directiva project required that I exchange the Seas DXT tweeter and so it seemed the time had arrived. To date all Directiva speakers have used the DXT tweeter but as I worked on a budget version I realized that the...
  13. S

    FS/US: Skylan SP-24 24" Speaker Stands (w/ glider feet and spike feet) large 7.5" x 12" Top Plate

    Skylan SP-24 24" Speaker Stands (w/ glider feet and spike feet) large 7.5" x 12" Top Plate Price is $195 shipped in cont. US with PayPal F&F or please add 3.5% if PP Goods. Skylan SP-24 Stands 24" tall, used but in good condition. Located near Asheville, NC. Top plate is 7.5" x 12" which is...
  14. Ardacer

    Diy speaker design tips/guide

    I'll update this post as I have time, with images and text. Whoever wishes to contribute in any way, please do. Most generally, there are 2 main ways one can go about this to achieve similar results - that is, good sound. 1) make everything from few components of really high quality 2)...
  15. RickS

    Budget Directiva Project

    Ever since Directiva r1 specified the pricey Purifi woofer, there have been requests for a lower cost version. I have been shopping less expensive woofers and am prepping to evaluate them. The initial evaluation will continue with the Seas DXT tweeter but may consider others as it has become...
  16. S

    KEF R3 Meta vs Linton vs ?

    Hello, Need suggestion here, looking for upgrade in speaker. From Audioengine HDP6, i want to buy the replacement. Seems like KEF R3 and Linton got nice review here (and in Erin‘s review). No floorstanding because my job require me to move from time to time to another town (about 2 years). In...
  17. D

    £500 PA recommendations for a starting DJ

    Hello! I am a starting DJ and want to get a basic PA system for small house parties (max 30 people) in my living room with a budget of up to £500. Initially, I got this: https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/SubZero-SZPA-410-175W-10-PA-System-With-Digital-Media-Player/1O34 and...
  18. C

    Best speakers on a budget?

    I made another post before but a lot of the speakers recommended were not loud enough for listening to music around 3 meters away from the speakers. According to the manufacturers. Hey, I have some pretty good headphones and iems but the only speaker I own is an Ultimate ears hyperboom whose...
  19. C

    Better speakers than 8030c?

    Hey, i am considering buying a pair of Genelec 8030C but i am wondering if there are any better speakers at that price point? More info: My apartment is small and i will be sitting around 3 meters from the speakers.
  20. A

    Utilizing Internal Impedance Matching in Speaker Systems Russound SS-4.2

    What are the characteristics of connecting speakers to the SS-6.2 system using internal impedance matching (with the impedance switch set to IN), and why is there no need for additional impedance matching with volume controls in this setup? I tried to follow the recommendation from this link but...
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