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Audyssey's Next Generation of Room Correction (MultEQ-X)

Are you a current Denon/Marantz AVR Owner and if so what do you think of Audyssey's MultEQ-X?

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable. I've already purchased it.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable. I’m willing to spend the money once I learn more.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is too high. Anything lower is better.

  • I'm not a current Denon/Marantz AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable.

  • I'm not a current Denon/Marantz AVR owner. $200 price is too high. Anything lower lower is better.

  • I'm a current AVR owner. $200 price is acceptable, but I don't like the restrictive terms. Wont buy.

  • I'm not an owner. $200 price is acceptable, but I don't like the restrictive terms. Wont buy.

  • Other (please explain).

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So my question is:
If I now buy the Cinema 70s and a license for MultEQ-X, I could then make the measurements in combination with a PC to the full extent and then put the measurement results on the AVR, so I would have the same grade of optimization or even better ones, compared to XT32?


Unfortunately no. XT32 receivers have better DSP hardware and filter resolution. MultEQ-X cannot fix that.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I just purchased the MultEQ-X because it can actually 'talk' to my AVR ( Denon x4500h).

I was wondering if I could use my UMIK-1 for the calibration phase of the process ? if not, can I use the microphone that came with the AVR ?

thanks in advance,


Sorry if this has been asked before, but I just purchased the MultEQ-X because it can actually 'talk' to my AVR ( Denon x4500h).

I was wondering if I could use my UMIK-1 for the calibration phase of the process ? if not, can I use the microphone that came with the AVR ?

thanks in advance,

Yes, use the mic which came with your AVR.

The UMIK can not be directly used as you can’t hook it up to the AVR nor tell the AVR it’s calibration. Use the UMIK with REW.
Doesn’t matter, your AVR only supports the original mic that came with it.

You can take measurements with REW and the UMIK-1 and use the results with MultEQ-X though.
Doesn’t matter, your AVR only supports the original mic that came with it.

You can take measurements with REW and the UMIK-1 and use the results with MultEQ-X though.
There is the following option one may want to consider depending on the user’s level of OCD (haha)…….marginal improvement over stock microphone

I did get the calibrated ACM-1X mic; stock mics are not guaranteed to be well calibrated. My stock mic resulted in a treble boost and bass decrease, which the calibrated mic resolved. One could also just measure the response with UMIK-1/REW and add in any adjustments to the target curve to compensate any miscalibration of the stock mic.

See my results:

After fussing with MSO, I got this response with plenty of headroom..

IME a very good response... I checked it several times and it is consistent .. The results are from MSO entered in to the miniDSP 2x4 HD.
This "subwoofer" is then presented to the AVR...
I assumed that the response measured by Audyssey would be the one as seen aboove... Uh THis is what seems to be "seen " by Audyssey:
Audyssey Subs Response.jpg

That, to me is very strange, It should measure a curve at least vaguely similar to the one from REW, this is after all the response of the sub after MSO.
And Audyssey added this correction:


I am not sure I understand what is going on...
Why would Audyssey, subwoofer measurements be so different from REW's? The "subwoofer" is supposed to be flat, as seen from the REW graph , thus Audyssey should have measured it as such , since the effect of the room are mitigated by MSO... By the way, exact same position from both microphones.

It sounds good to me.. Very similar to my reference the HifiMan HE6SEv2, Harman-Equ-ed.

I will later disable Dynamic EQ and measure to "see" what gives... In the meantime, any explanation? From the collective?

Repeating this. MultEQ-X is a very powerful software, the risks of misuse are considerable, when not fully understood or improperly used.




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Can I ask you guys who own the MultiEQ-X for a favor ? if I sent you my measurements, could you please apply the best suitable filters etc. ? I am a total noob at this and don't understand anything shown to me by the software.

Willing to pay for your efforts.

PM me if viable.
I am not sure I understand what is going on...
Why would Audyssey, subwoofer measurements be so different from REW's? The "subwoofer" is supposed to be flat, as seen from the REW graph , thus Audyssey should have measured it as such , since the effect of the room are mitigated by MSO... By the way, exact same position from both microphones.

You are right, something is very wrong.. I almost looks like MSO is disabled when you run Audyssey...
Do you also have a REW measurement without MSO?

After fussing with MSO, I got this response with plenty of headroom..

IME a very good response... I checked it several times and it is consistent .. The results are from MSO entered in to the miniDSP 2x4 HD.
This "subwoofer" is then presented to the AVR...
I assumed that the response measured by Audyssey would be the one as seen aboove... Uh THis is what seems to be "seen " by Audyssey:

That, to me is very strange, It should measure a curve at least vaguely similar to the one from REW, this is after all the response of the sub after MSO.
And Audyssey added this correction:

I am not sure I understand what is going on...
Why would Audyssey, subwoofer measurements be so different from REW's? The "subwoofer" is supposed to be flat, as seen from the REW graph , thus Audyssey should have measured it as such , since the effect of the room are mitigated by MSO... By the way, exact same position from both microphones.

It sounds good to me.. Very similar to my reference the HifiMan HE6SEv2, Harman-Equ-ed.

I will later disable Dynamic EQ and measure to "see" what gives... In the meantime, any explanation? From the collective?

Repeating this. MultEQ-X is a very powerful software, the risks of misuse are considerable, when not fully understood or improperly used.



Personally I've never had good experience running Audyssey after MSO; I always run MSO after Audyssey as it can screw things up. This is especially true if your MSO calibration is across multiple rows, which Audyssey is not capable of accounting for.
You are right, something is very wrong.. I almost looks like MSO is disabled when you run Audyssey...
Do you also have a REW measurement without MSO?
You may have a point...

I have a Logitech Harmony System and ... I may have an issue of the miniDSP reverting to a different (factorty) setting upon "seeing" some IR command, I remember (vaguely) that I did enter the miniDSP 2x4 in one of the activities... I am at work right now so .. it will have to wait the afternoon but .. this could be it.. I bet this is "it". I will let you know. Thanks again for pointing this out.


I seem to have a very different issue:\\For some odd reasons. No filter is applied to my 2x4HD outputs. Mo matter what I input to the SminiDSP in term of Parameters.. At most the output will decrease, else no filter values seems to work...Very strange.

Will contact miniDSP. my 2x4HD was working well, up to yesterday. e,g, I was able to measure the MSO results with the miniDSP. No longer Am I able to ..
Any pointer.. miniDSP gurus?

I use their latest GUI...

Not sure what was happening. Turned off everyhting including computer then , re-measured through REW after MSO massaging :). Here are the measurements:

Responses for 2-SUBS
Responses for 2-SUBS.jpg

Green is before MSO... Blue is after...

And finally, as seen by Audyssey...


That makes sense. Microphone was handheld, close to the UMik-1.. Responses are what I expected: similar. There were some car and construction machinery noise in the neighborhood.... Now waiting for the noise to abate.. to calibrate. I expect good things :)

Thanks all


P.S. MultEQ-X is a solid software that Audyssey keeps on improving; now, if they can make it work with multiple subs.. ;)



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Not sure what was happening. Turned off everyhting including computer then , re-measured through REW after MSO massaging :). Here are the measurements:

Responses for 2-SUBSView attachment 323628

Green is before MSO... Blue is after...

And finally, as seen by Audyssey...

View attachment 323630

That makes sense. Microphone was handheld, close to the UMik-1.. Responses are what I expected: similar. There were some car and construction machinery noise in the neighborhood.... Now waiting for the noise to abate.. to calibrate. I expect good things :)

Thanks all


P.S. MultEQ-X is a solid software that Audyssey keeps on improving; now, if they can make it work with multiple subs.. ;)

and next time: use mic stand ;)
and next time: use mic stand ;)
I always do, however, I needed a quick check-up to (casually) measure the response from the subs, thus those handheld measurements. BTW, MSO is surprising, response around the in a circle of 50 cm in diameter, is almost the same... Highly recommended but a beast to master and , tedious.. Discipline and order are required with MSO..
Still am befuddled by what was happening, TBH.


P.S. It is IMO, close to impossible to obtain good bass response whithout measurements or a DRC. I am at a loss to see people investing ton of money on subs without measuring them or at least using some kind of room correction.. Some subwoofers have built-in EQ.. For the most part these are poor substitute to something like a miniDSP 2x4 or equivalent. A different subject.
Now, I encourage all of you to just to make a contribution to the REW and MSO developers. Worth it. The amount of work, knowledge and time put in these software has to be extraordinary. ... WoW!!!
Forgive my ignorance, but I need advice before springing for Multeq-X. A couple years ago I downloaded REW and bought a UMIK-1. Hooked it up to my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1700), fired up REW and did some measurements, only to find that the in-room measurement fell off VERY rapidly below 50 Hz. I later tried it with my old desktop machine and it (correctly) goes down to 20 Hz and below. The laptop (HDMI out, USB in), is limiting the frequency response. If I need to buy a better laptop before I buy Audyssey Multeq-X, how can I tell if a prospective laptop will have full frequency response or not, or is there something I can do to the Dell laptop to make it behave?

I'm reasonably technical, but totally computer un-savvy. Thanks for any advice, including where to take my silly-ass question if not here.
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