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      chych7 replied to the thread New Philharmonic BMR HT Towers.
      How do you know you don't have first reflection issues? Have you looked at the impulse response with REW to check the impact of...
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      chych7 replied to the thread New Philharmonic BMR HT Towers.
      Please explain more how these would work. Placement: sure you can change toe-in/toe-out to change how the sidewalls interact, but...
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      chych7 replied to the thread New Philharmonic BMR HT Towers.
      IMO you really have to treat the sidewall first reflection points with RAAL/BMR speakers. Looking at dispersion plots, you're getting...
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      chych7 replied to the thread New Philharmonic BMR HT Towers.
      BMR towers, especially if you aren't running a sub. HT tower is engineered for higher sensitivity/volume and meant to be run with a sub...
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