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    • J
      Jack B reacted to sigbergaudio's post in the thread Harsh Sound with Like Like.
      I would say that harsh sound is not a very typical symptom of a poorly integrated sub.
    • J
      Jack B reacted to CapMan's post in the thread Harsh Sound with Like Like.
      I suspect that some of these HiFi speakers that are voiced to sound detailed/airy/clear are on the margins - by that I mean in a fairly...
    • J
      Jack B reacted to LTig's post in the thread Harsh Sound with Like Like.
      ... or throw a thick blanket over the table.
    • J
      Jack B reacted to CapMan's post in the thread Harsh Sound with Like Like.
      Big glass table between the speakers and your listening position won't help I imagine. Can you move it out of the way just to test...
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