Oh but I am liking what I am seeing. And hearing. My listening space is a room next to our living room with double doors at the right side of the listening position. So far I have only ever measured it with a "movie setting", with those double doors closed, side curtains on, and screen down. For some reason I had not bothered to measure it with those double doors open ,right curtain open, and screen up. That is after all how I mostly listen to music, I don't need that immersion as with watching movies.
Acoustics are then very different, and thus perhaps not a suprise but the music setting measurements took me, well, by a surprise. Such improvement, too bad I did not have comparable previous measurements.
That said, the first things I did while playing around was removing the MRC as always, but now adding my own MRC filter with a 5kHz dip per how my Proacs have their crossover. Because I could. More beneficially, I then set Preset 1 with Audyssey Reference and Flat curves, but Preset 2 with Oliver/Toole and Harman curves for some A/B testing.
I recall seeing it discussed here as well in that Toole and Harman curves in a way are "old fashioned" in that for instance with Audyssey we get the Dynamic EQ to compensate for psychoacoustics, so why have a curve that adds bass with that? Well because it
does sound "better"? I listen and watch movies with varying volume, so for me DEQ has always been a godsent once I understood, sort of, how it works. Now, with Toole and Harman curves, I also realised that when keeping DEQ yet around I need to adjust the reference level offset properly, to -10db in my case. With that tweak, and after listening to various familiar tunes, I am at least for now sticking with the Toole curve. Harman was too hot for me, but for movie preset I will give it another go. We do love our bass in the movies.
For me, very much worth the cost so far. I love how I am able to have four target curves now with two each per preset for easy A/B testing with multiple options.. Very easy to tweak with filters to try out different things as well.
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