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Turntable and Speaker Set-up


Jul 31, 2023
I recently purchased an AT-LPW40WN turntable and KantoYU6 speakers. I should say that I am very new to turntables so if I don't sound like I know what I'm talking about...I don't. With that said I have two hopefully easy questions.

I see that both the turntable and speaker have a preamp. So if I want to use the preamp included with the turntable I should set both the turntable and the speaker to LINE - correct? Alternatively, if I want to use the speaker preamp, I would set both the turntable and the speaker to PHONO. I believe I have that right but I figured it would be best to confirm.

Second, I see that there is a place to attach a ground wire on both the turntable and the speaker. So does that mean I need to use a RCA cable with a ground wire? Or can I connect them with just the RCA inputs. The reason I ask is that the RCA wire with the ground that was provided with my turntable is not long enough and I have a RCA cable without a ground that would be the right length. If I need to purchase a new one, any recommendations on a good/reasonably priced RCA cable with ground?

Thanks in advance!
Right. You only need one preamp.

A preamp amplifies the tiny signal from a phono cartridge (or microphone) to line level. A phono preamp also applies RIAA playback equalization. If you use a microphone preamp (flat response) with a turntable you get greatly boosted highs and greatly attenuated bass.

A power amplifier boosts the line level signal to higher voltage & current to drive a speaker.

In an traditional hi-fi setup, the preamp also acts as a control center with input selection, volume control, bass & treble controls, etc. A "modern" setup without a turntable would just control line level signals and it's often operating as an attenuator rather than an amplifier (depending on how loud you are listening).

The ground wire normally goes to the preamp to help reduce hum. If your speakers don't have that you are probably OK, and if you are getting "excess" hum try using the preamp built into the turntable.

The RCA connections have a "ground" but sometimes it's a different or "floating" ground, and that's usually OK.
Thanks for the quick reply and information. So if I use the preamp in the turntable (Line out on the turntable and Line in on the speaker), then I can run the RCA cable without the ground. And if I’m getting excess hum I should use the ground? Sorry if I messed that up.
Okay, I have finally got my turntable and speakers set up…thanks to everyone so far with the great advice.
I was hoping I could describe my set up to get thoughts and advice. My system consists of the following:
AT-LPW40WN turntable
Kanto YU6 speakers
Kanto SUB8 subwoofer
I have connected the left and right speakers with the 16-ft speaker wire provided with the Kanto speakers.
I have the turntable RCA and ground connected to the speakers RCA and ground by a 3m American Recorder Hi-Fi Turntable Cable with ground lugs. I am using the turntable phono preamp so I have both the turntable and speakers switched to “Line”.
I have the speaker and the subwoofer connected by a 2m SKW RCA Y-Splitter cable, Low-Pass Filter control set to 60Hz, and Phase Switch set to 0 degrees.
While I don’t have much experience, I think everything sounds great. However I have one question. I noticed I’m getting a lot of static when I put on or take off a LP. To help alleviate the static I’ve tried the following:
- Use Boundless anti-static brush
- Swap record sleeves for MoFi Original Master Sleeves
- Hudson HiFi acrylic turntable mat
- Set dehumidifier in basement to 45%
All those steps has helped a little, but still experiencing static. Anything else I can do? Should I try a leather or cork turntable mat? I’ve read mixed reviews about anti-static guns. Is there any other way to reduce/eliminate the static?
Thanks again for taking the time to read this over and I appreciate any advice on my set up and/or static issues.
As recommended, here are some photos. Please let me know if there would be any other that would be helpful.
I should have noted that I have the Y-splitter cable arriving in the mail today. So I will be swapping out the single RCA cable connecting the speaker and the subwoofer that is currently shown in the photo.
Ugh, so I’ve just tried a leather turntable mat and I’m still getting static build up. My turntable is currently grounded to my speaker, but would it help to run a ground wire from the turntable to an outlet or something? Thanks!
Ground wire is not going to do anything with static. Years since I have used a turntable but I did have one of those electrostatic guns to us...
Ground wire is not going to do anything with static. Years since I have used a turntable but I did have one of those electrostatic guns to us...
Thanks. I ended up ordering an anti static gun. Hopefully it helps.
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