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It better. I know where you post! :) I know if you use this Aiyima T8 6N3 preamp with the Aiytima 08 Pro, for some reason, the preamp will not control volume on the 08 Pro. Kind of stupid.

Probably going to pull the trigger on the DX3 Pro+ and Aiyima 07 combo soon. Anything else I should be aware of before I do it 'casue I'll need to return the 08 Pro.

There is probably nothing wrong with just keeping my Aiyima 08 Pro, either.
The new MX3s is still sexy.

Did you get your MX3s yet? Coooooome ON! Will you test it?
Did you get your MX3s yet? Coooooome ON! Will you test it?
It did, today. I don't have access to audio test equipment (save for a fancy scope), so don't expect any measurements from me. I had a chance to listen to it today, nothing surprising, as to my expectations.
It did, today. I don't have access to audio test equipment (save for a fancy scope), so don't expect any measurements from me. I had a chance to listen to it today, nothing surprising, as to my expectations.
How's the volume and what speakers are you using?
It did, today. I don't have access to audio test equipment (save for a fancy scope), so don't expect any measurements from me. I had a chance to listen to it today, nothing surprising, as to my expectations.
Were you able to do a blind test with the Aiyima 07?
Wonder how this reacts to different loads? Does it lead to frequency changes like with many class D amps
Wonder how this reacts to different loads? Does it lead to frequency changes like with many class D amps
It uses a Merus chip amp, although they have not disclosed which one. But assuming is the same or similar to PA3s, reviewed here, its FR is load independent.
It uses a Merus chip amp, although they have not disclosed which one. But assuming is the same or similar to PA3s, reviewed here, its FR is load independent.
Would be great to have it verified though
It uses a Merus chip amp, although they have not disclosed which one.
According to the photo it is an MA12070 chip, looks like only one.

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 17.53.52.png

The PA3s have the same two chips.
So it should be phenomenal value
My MX3s arrived yesterday and I'm still in (subjective) testing mode. Currently running through USB on Windows OS streaming Tidal and 3-4 hours in so far.

Channel balance sounds fine, volume control works without any issues, no complaints with the the sound at all (then again, I'm not the best critical listener claiming to have apair of golden ears). It gets extremely loud at a rool filling level without any sign of distortion. The only surprise to me was to realize it has 2-channel tone controls (bass-treble) but it was only a surprise because I didn't pay enough attention before buying. Menu is quite intuitive.

My biggest gripe so far: Plugging in headphones does not mute speakers! It's convenient enough that you need to double press the main button to cycle through only SP/only HP/both SP & HP but it's not as convenient as the good old fashioned auto HP plug-in detection.

It has very minimal speaker buzz at full volume (mostly coming out of tweeters). By very minimal I mean only audible in absolute silence at ground-zero, not a real world concern. It's much better than the A07, but not dead silent as the Rekkr.
With 2W, I don't know how it can drive a serious speaker, unless it has a sensitivity over 100dB.
Yup, there are headphone amps with more power :) (Like Topping L70)
With 2W, I don't know how it can drive a serious speaker, unless it has a sensitivity over 100dB.
I shared the same concern before buying to some extent, but it turned out to be mostly FUD. While 2W is not enough for every application, it's still MUCH more than what most people think.

Rekkr's 2W is enough (actually perfect) for nearfield listening as it allows 10W peak values (9V @ 1.125A) which gets disturbingly loud (94dB SPL peak) with 88dB/W/m speakers without any clipping or audible distortion.

See here (and forward) for detailed explanations with some number crunching done using real world measurements: https://audiosciencereview.com/foru...te-new-schiit-speaker-amps.42329/post-1527503
With 2W, I don't know how it can drive a serious speaker, unless it has a sensitivity over 100dB.
Well, we did a little apprx. watt test using my Aiyima 08 Pro and a pair of Kilpsch R51-M speakers stated as 93dB, and I never got over 1 watt in a 20' x 12' room, even at 10 foot listening distance. It just depends on you need for volume. At 1 watt the Klipsch speakers put out 93dB at 1 meter. That's F-ing loud to me! Also, as you all know, in order to double loudness after 1 watt, you need to double power 3.5 times get to around 12 watts. After that, we're chasing our power tails. You do want some head room, but at less than a watt, at 10', measured with my phone SPL meter (not scientific, no), the dB were average 60dB. That was a little loud for me. I don't like to listent to music unless I have a quite as possible area to hear it. So I will probably never need over 5-10 watts, and then another 10w for a little headroom.
It has very minimal speaker buzz at full volume (mostly coming out of tweeters). By very minimal I mean only audible in absolute silence at ground-zero, not a real world concern. It's much better than the A07, but not dead silent as the Rekkr.
I think some of these amps have circuitry that shuts off power to the speakers without a signal, which would produce artificial silence? Then you would never know.
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With a caveat?
Q: If I stack this with the Aiyima 07 amplifier, will the volume control volume through the Aiyima 07 amplifier?
A: Hello. This will depend how you set up the device. You have the option to set up in Pre amp mode (m-p) or DAC mode (m-d). The RCA output is adjustable by the volume knob in pre amp mode only but not in DAC mode. I have a pre amp in my system so I am using the device as a DAC so the DX3 pro+ volume knob does not adjust the output the way I have it setup. --Amazon customer

What exactly does this mean?
I thin some of these amps have circuitry that shits off power to the speakers without a signal, which would produce artificial silence? Then you would never know.
1. If it were that easy, I'd imagine it would be much more widespread.
2. Silence is silence even if artificial, so I wouldn't care either way.
With a caveat?
Q: If I stack this with the Aiyima 07 amplifier, will the volume control volume through the Aiyima 07 amplifier?
A: Hello. This will depend how you set up the device. You have the option to set up in Pre amp mode (m-p) or DAC mode (m-d). The RCA output is adjustable by the volume knob in pre amp mode only but not in DAC mode. I have a pre amp in my system so I am using the device as a DAC so the DX3 pro+ volume knob does not adjust the output the way I have it setup. --Amazon customer

What exactly does this mean?
That's accurate, no volume control in pure DAC mode. But pure DAC mode is just an added convenience if one would like to connect DX3+ to their existing pre-amp, which is not your case.
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