Seriously, LOL. I made that comment simply due to the fact that most of other guys are now offering not only straight
lossless (16-44.1), but some sort of Hi-Resolution, and Multich files for the same or less money.
But I do understand the attraction of Spotify, IMHO they do offer the best User Interface there is, and if you have
a long playlist history, etc; any sonic advantage from lossless may be of little value. I stayed with Spotify for a long time after
they made the first "HiRez Is Coming" post and continued to complain loudly on their forum about the constant delays, but still I was hanging in there.
But being a near 50 year multich user, when Apple came along with their Atmos, etc; streams I immediately jumped ship.
I've never owned another Apple product but for me, getting a Atmos 4K TV streamer box was a no-brainer.