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SMSL SU-9n Review (Balanced Stereo DAC)

? Highly recommended to learn soldering. I'm a ChemE grad and have been soldering since 1998. I've upgraded numerous power amps and DACs. You can modify the sound character of most any DAC just by changing out the op amps that are in the output stage from warm and lush to cold and clinical. You can do this with little risk and at a low cost. Recommend you try this at least once in something you've bought used: put in an 8 pin socket and start rolling your own. Have a bag full of op amps from 2013 still and most of them hadn't cost me more than $5. You will also be able to replace leaky electrolytic caps in old amps, and improve sketchy power supply circuits.
While I support the "learn soldering" message, rolling op amps is almost always a bad idea. At best, it will change nothing audible in the devices performance. At worst, you will increase distortion or noise by selecting op amps which are not suited for the circuit at hand. The original circuit designer usually had good reasons for choosing a specific IC and unless you reverse engineer the whole PCB, you are very very unlikely to improve upon the design. In most cases, you will actually make it worse.

Some threads to read on op amps rolling:
Hello All,

Question... do you think the new SDAA UI of the SU-9 Pro can be implemented into the SU-9/SU-9n ??

Having the Fixed Pre-Mode in "99" was never appealing to look at. And the new UI is also more pleasing to look at.

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