I bought the original HD800 when it was initially released. I also couldn't stand the treble, and promptly returned them, disappointed. Fast forward a few years later, supposedly, the HD800S solved some of the peaking, so I picked up a pair. They still sounded bright to me, BUT, when I added a -8dB/Q3.0 filter at 6kHz and lots of bass boost, it actually is perhaps the best HP I've heard (and this list includes the SR-009, Focal Utopia, HE1000, etc.). The only issue I have is with bass impact, even with +12dB compensation. The original HD800 supposedly has slightly lower bass-range THD where it matters, so I purchased a pair of original HD800's and applied the Super Dupont Resonator (SDR) mod, which tames some of the FR peaks, and on top of that, applied the 6khz filter and bass boost. These are incredible HP's with a little EQ.
BTW, I've tried the other widely available EQ curves, including the sonarworks tru-fi, and mine's better.
I also have a pair of HD650's that I listened to for many years, and there's just absolutely no comparison with an EQ's HD800. That's my $0.02.