What does bstock mean? And why are there 2 different prices on bstock F206s, $1349 vs $1010?
Amount in stock or popularity are surely involved.
B stock means different things to different companies and even the same company in different situations.
Could be BRAND NEW but 'B' stock is offering a 2nd sales channel for a lower price that is still profitable and yet won't pilfer much from the A stock revenue. Some people will never buy anything labeled B or anything opened retail box. Others will only buy if the deal seems huge, so B stock is their game. In this example it is litterally the exact same item as regular new.
Could be factory new but slightly blemished.
Could be a way to save on warranty as often B stock has reduced warranty.
Could be a closeout item that is being sold as B stock to get a certain type of buyer involved and stream another type of buyer to the non-closeout items.
If it is refurbished it must be labeled as refurbished.
If it is a customer return or opened box(like for a product shot or display) it must be labeled as such.
B-stock should not be Refurb or Opened box unless that point is made clear, but some sites misuse the term (Music Direct does not seem to misuse it)
I worked at place were sometimes we would open an item in order to sell it at an allowed reduced price and make the sale. That is more about salesmanship and manufacturer rules than B stock though.