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New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

Any hints as to help getting the app not to crash?

If you have this beta ma-1 software can you ping me a link to it pretty please ?
I'm on windows and had no problems with crashing. I also tried it on my friend's M1 macbook pro and it had no problems. Sorry.
I'm on windows and had no problems with crashing. I also tried it on my friend's M1 macbook pro and it had no problems. Sorry.
I think it's a M2/Ventura issue.. I know there's a beta flying around but not been able to get hold of it (yet)
Have you compared the sound quality of the analog and digital KH 750 connections? The omission of additional signal conversion should make a difference. Sorry that this is off topic, but I think it will be interesting for those writing about M1.
Yes, I hear consistently difference. Theory and Neumann says digital input should be better. Question is what it means better.
Internal DSP runs on 48kHz, most audio material is in other sample rate. So KH750 DSP resamples 44kHz input to 48kHz. That is not ideal.
Analog input requires different source - DAC. So it depends also on DAC quality. Then this analog is again AD converted to 48kHz.
What is better?
In my case I have:
1. RME UCXII SPDIF output to KH750
2. RME ADI2 DAC FS analog out to KH750
I feel option 2 is better to my ears - something like cleaner sound, less fatigue , more pleasure to listen, hard to define why, maybe DA-AD conversion is nicer then 44-48 resampling.
Please, don't say it cannot be because this or that. I know all arguments. I understand it. But I have more pleasure listening to analog input.
Yes, I hear consistently difference. Theory and Neumann says digital input should be better. Question is what it means better.
Internal DSP runs on 48kHz, most audio material is in other sample rate. So KH750 DSP resamples 44kHz input to 48kHz. That is not ideal.
Analog input requires different source - DAC. So it depends also on DAC quality. Then this analog is again AD converted to 48kHz.
What is better?
In my case I have:
1. RME UCXII SPDIF output to KH750
2. RME ADI2 DAC FS analog out to KH750
I feel option 2 is better to my ears - something like cleaner sound, less fatigue , more pleasure to listen, hard to define why, maybe DA-AD conversion is nicer then 44-48 resampling.
Please, don't say it cannot be because this or that. I know all arguments. I understand it. But I have more pleasure listening to analog input.
I read a similar experience to yours in a german-language forum, someone claimed analog inputs to be better in a similar configuration.
I have the UCXII, too, and use the digital outputs. Personally I have not tried comparing analog and digital and i don´t think i am able to do this in a meaningful way. But i wonder, if your theory is true, if you could try if the differences go away when you use a (good) software resampler before sending the signal to the UCX?
Roon can do this, for example - i just tried if i can hear a difference switching between 44khz and 48khz output, but i am not sure. Too subtle for me...
Exactly because of this I resample everything to 48kHz by SOX highest quality in Foobar and JRiver. But still analog seems to be better to my ears. I also tried to switch resample/no resample and don't hear big difference. Much lower than A/D.
Even bigger difference is playing from simple Linux player bootable from flash disk to ADI2 DAC. This is even better than from Windows. It is hard to explain why but it is so. If I want the best playback, I use this wtfplayer with DAC. Operating system+player together around 20MB. Only WAV, FLAC, DSF files.

By the way there is another difference between analog and digi input - use of internal (a) or external clock (d).
I read a similar experience to yours in a german-language forum, someone claimed analog inputs to be better in a similar configuration.
BTW, found the source: https://www.aktives-hoeren.de/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10396&start=195 (posts by user "matia100" and some discussion of the topic)

Exactly because of this I resample everything to 48kHz by SOX highest quality in Foobar and JRiver. But still analog seems to be better to my ears. I also tried to switch resample/no resample and don't hear big difference. Much lower than A/D.
Even bigger difference is playing from simple Linux player bootable from flash disk to ADI2 DAC. This is even better than from Windows. It is hard to explain why but it is so. If I want the best playback, I use this wtfplayer with DAC. Operating system+player together around 20MB. Only WAV, FLAC, DSF files.

By the way there is another difference between analog and digi input - use of internal (a) or external clock (d).
OK, would have been too easy...
Difficult to really validly check that and get to the bottom of it by listening tests - you know yourself, so I'll spare the usual comments about level matching etc.
I wonder if one could measure a difference or by what measured value one would have to recognize differences?
Didn't realize it was gonna be so cumbersome to get the MA 1 working lol. The software is actually fine for me and didn't crash, but I didn't realize I needed an audio interface when I got it a couple days ago, so I ordered one. Then, when setting it up, I didn't realize the audio interface needed to have the proper outputs to connect to the inputs of the KH 750 sub, so need to return the one I got and order a new one + cables as well.

Should be able to get everything aligned tomorrow - better be worth the hassle! :)
which one did you get? I just realized the same thing myself...
Would a Focusrite Scarlett Solo suffice?
Just got KH-750 and MA-1 to pair with my Kali IN-5s and calibrated it in my untreated room - wow, big difference! The Kalis also sound much better now! Will get some treatment panels - the calibration curve was +- 4-5db in some points so will try to treat the room first.

Also - since I'm using non-Neumann monitors - wondering if I would benefit from KH-80s with the KH-750, or I should just keep the Kalis?

Does anyone know if it's possible to get back to the manual EQ screen (with the curve) once the calibration has been done? It closed as soon as I hit save, and now I can't find a way back to it. Will I have to do the whole calibration again every time I want to adjust the manual EQ?

Just got KH-750 and MA-1 to pair with my Kali IN-5s and calibrated it in my untreated room - wow, big difference! The Kalis also sound much better now! Will get some treatment panels - the calibration curve was +- 4-5db in some points so will try to treat the room first.

Also - since I'm using non-Neumann monitors - wondering if I would benefit from KH-80s with the KH-750, or I should just keep the Kalis?

Does anyone know if it's possible to get back to the manual EQ screen (with the curve) once the calibration has been done? It closed as soon as I hit save, and now I can't find a way back to it. Will I have to do the whole calibration again every time I want to adjust the manual EQ?

Plus minus 5dB is very much ok as it compensates your room modes.

As for treatment. This is usually a deep rabbit hole and very much depends on the frequencies you want to compensate. Quick rule: the deeper the frequency the thicker, meaning over 30cm for bass. You decide if you like to have such thick panels in your room and how much joy they bring in term of acoustics. I decided against it.

KH80. Difficult to say, very much depends on your preferences and willingness to spent the money. I have the KH80:750. Best bet is probably to order them, treat them responsibly, test them next to your Kalis (don’t forget to level match) and return them if they don’t bring the audible improvement you expect.

Yes there is a way to get to the where you set the target curve, it is not very intuitive and I don’t remember it exactly. I think you just skip the calibration step or you load the setup you saved previously (Did mine about 9 months ago, sorry don’t remember the exact steps, maybe others can help).
Does anyone know if it's possible to get back to the manual EQ screen (with the curve) once the calibration has been done? It closed as soon as I hit save, and now I can't find a way back to it. Will I have to do the whole calibration again every time I want to adjust the manual EQ?
Yes, it is possible, just start MA1 once more and then when selecting stored setup you can edit it and save new setup with different name. I also don't remember now by heart exactly how to do it but it is possible and quite flexible. You can have several calibrations and several modifications per each calibration.
I received today an email from Neumann with the link to download Beta for macOS Ventura and finally the app does not crash after inputing the mic's serial number. I will perform calibration after the 25th and will report back if I find any issues with the Beta version of the app.
Would you be able to share the link? I emailed Neumann to request the Beta app that doesn't crash on Ventura, but no reply yet.

Would you be able to share the link? I emailed Neumann to request the Beta app that doesn't crash on Ventura, but no reply yet.


Search for any email from Neumann.com domain with beta in the subject. I was expecting a reply from the “headoffice” service mailbox and missed the beta invite initially in the sea of emails.
Search for any email from Neumann.com domain with beta in the subject. I was expecting a reply from the “headoffice” service mailbox and missed the beta invite initially in the sea of emails.
Nada - just registered my MA-1 5 days ago, must have been sent before then
Not sure if the link still works but here it is: HERE

I'm not able to test the MA1 app anymore as I returned the MA1 mic last week. I get much better results with miniDSP FLEX TRS and Dirac Live than with the MA1 mic/app.
I know the procedure for a stereo subwoofer setup posted 2021.

Is the ma1 software (Windows) now able to calibrate a stereo subwoofer setup (2 x KH310, 2 x KH750) in a single pass like a mono subwoofer setup?
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