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New from Schiit Audio: Vidar 2

My thinking was that because @amirm does a lot of testing by himself, that's the best way to benchmark against other gear that he has reviewed? Also, independent reviewer might be more trustworthy to a lot of folks?

If the past is any judge, I don't see any reason to NOT trust Schiit. They've always been pretty transparent and there aren't many companies that post the detailed testing results that they do on their web site. I know the "audiophile" industry is rife with charlatans, but I don't think they are part of that group.

Looking forward to seeing @ravh 's review. I'm about to order one myself and relegate my existing Vidar to my office system.

So yes, the harmonic spectrum is better -- 2nd order predominates, 3rd & 4th are much lower and higher order are undetectable above noise which is itself pretty low.

2nd order HD in moderate amounts sounds great to a lot of people: according to them, more "musical, organic, liquid, natural", etc.

However better specs for the Vidar 2 make it a stronger competitor against Schiit's own Aegir amp, so will the former cannibalized the latter's sales? Probably not: audiophiles tend not to look at measurements.
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So yes, the harmonic spectrum is better -- 2nd order predominates, 3rd & 4th are much lower and higher order are undetectable above noise which is pretty low.

2nd order HD in moderate amounts sounds great to a lot of people: according to them, more musical, organic, liquid, natural, etc.

However better specs for the Vidar 2 make is stronger competitor against Schiit's own Aegir amp, so will the former cannibalized the latter's sales? Probably not: audiophiles tend not to look at measurements.

The Aegir isn't going to work for me as I need to drive Magnepans. :) There's also the new Tyr, but you'd need a pair for stereo. Quite a bit more expensive.

It's interesting that there are NO posted reviews for the new Vidar on Schiit's website, unlike what they have for most other of their products. The few I've read have high praise for the new standby button/feature but say that not much else is different. However, with the power draw this has, the standby feature & button location on front is a significant upgrade.
It's interesting that there are NO posted reviews for the new Vidar on Schiit's website, unlike what they have for most other of their products. The few I've read have high praise for the new standby button/feature but say that not much else is different. However, with the power draw this has, the standby feature & button location on front is a significant upgrade.

I'm upgrading for that feature alone. If it sounds even a smidgen better that's icing on the cake.

The reviews I've seen on the Vidar2 on youtube are mostly just hand waving fluff pieces. Nothing akin to what Amir would post here.

...will there be an audible difference in sound quality...???...

...there does not look to be any increase in price...

...I wouldn't expect it to sound different than the Vidar...
...will there be an audible difference in sound quality...???...

...there does not look to be any increase in price...

...I wouldn't expect it to sound different than the Vidar...
I don’t think anybody is expecting they will sound different. New model is $100 more than previous model, and if all you got for the money was the standby button and cooler operation I’d say that’s worth it. To be honest if/when I ever complete my Kallax-fi transition I will probably be getting a Vidar 2 now that it has standby.
I believe there is also an improvement in SNR by almost 10db. Whether or not that's audible to most people I have no idea. That would indicate to me that there were some changes made other than the standby switch.

Last time I looked, Schiit has NO reviews of the Vidar up on their site, but they do (in a tab) for all their other products, which seems strange to me. I understand not having reviews up from the prior generation, but I think that would stimulate them to get some reviewers going re the new one... Their speaker amp offerings are weird from a value standpoint, now they have the mini ones which are for some pretty specific use cases, nothing in the $400-600 range and then two products north of $800. IMO they really need a good speaker amp in that $400-600 class to complete with Hypex 2-channel class D, Emotiva, etc. I'm scratching my head over those two new mini-amps...
I can't wait until hopefully someday we can see Amir review this!

...buy one and send it to him, and methinks he will review it, and often return it on his dime...

...I was actually considering this except I currently have less use for the Vidar 2 than I did for the Audiophonics HPA-S600NC amp that fell through...

...I suppose I could replace the Niles SI 2150 that I got instead of the Vidar...feeding the Niles Schiit anyway...(see insert)...it's got more balls than the Vidar though...

...I bought it because it was much cheaper than the Vidar...

...back when I was flush, I might have just bought one as a spare...can't have too many amps...

...I do have some trepidations in regard to investing large in Schiit behind my Sega Experience described in the cute little Schitt thread...


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Last time I looked, Schiit has NO reviews of the Vidar up on their site, but they do (in a tab) for all their other products, which seems strange to me. I understand not having reviews up from the prior generation, but I think that would stimulate them to get some reviewers going re the new one... Their speaker amp offerings are weird from a value standpoint, now they have the mini ones which are for some pretty specific use cases, nothing in the $400-600 range and then two products north of $800. IMO they really need a good speaker amp in that $400-600 class to complete with Hypex 2-channel class D, Emotiva, etc. I'm scratching my head over those two new mini-amps...

Have you listened to any of those Emotiva amps? I don't think Schiit has anything to worry about there. Blech. I wouldn't mind trying out one of those new class D amps with the crazy SINAD that Amir has recommended. But for now, I'm pretty happy with the Vidar (other than the lack of an easy to reach standby button). I thought (and still do) that it was a great value for $699.

...I will say the cute little Schiit thread has me relooking at this Vadar 2...does that make sense to anyone...???...

...it does to me...maybe 100 watts is enough...

...what no one seems to be talking aboot is how it likes low impedance loads...is it stable @ 2 ohms...???...
...I will say the cute little Schiit thread has me relooking at this Vadar 2...does that make sense to anyone...???...

...it does to me...maybe 100 watts is enough...

...what no one seems to be talking aboot is how it likes low impedance loads...is it stable @ 2 ohms...???...

I don't know about 2 ohms, but it's driving my 4ohm Magnepans very well @ 200wpc. I sometimes play it quite loud in a very large room and have been quite happy with the results. I had originally planned to get a pair and run them bridged for the maggies, but that hasn't been necessary.

...we would find out quickly...LoL...
So yes, the harmonic spectrum is better -- 2nd order predominates, 3rd & 4th are much lower and higher order are undetectable above noise which is itself pretty low.

2nd order HD in moderate amounts sounds great to a lot of people: according to them, more "musical, organic, liquid, natural", etc.

However better specs for the Vidar 2 make it a stronger competitor against Schiit's own Aegir amp, so will the former cannibalized the latter's sales? Probably not: audiophiles tend not to look at measurements.
Yes but we pay attention to power specifications. The Vidar / Vidar 2 are 5X that of Aegir.
Yes but we pay attention to power specifications. The Vidar / Vidar 2 are 5X that of Aegir.
Of course, but the point is that with better SINAD the Vidar 2 is more competitive with the Aegir in the respect. And if the distortion is competitive with the Aegir, why settle for less power?
Unless I need something to heat up my room, I think I'll stick with Vidar over Aegir. By pretty much any measure, the numbers speak for themselves. However, I don't have speakers that are efficient enough to really "take advantage" of a lower power Class A type of amp.



Power Output:

Stereo, 8 Ohms:
20W RMS per channel

Stereo, 4 Ohms: 40W RMS per channel

Mono, 8 ohms: 80W RMS

Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 3Hz-500KHz, -3dB

THD: <0.01%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 20W RMS into 8 ohms

IMD: <0.01%, CCIR, at 20W RMS into 8 ohms

SNR: >112db, A-weighted, referenced to full output

Damping Factor: >100 into 8 ohms, 20-20kHz

Gain: 12 (22dB)

Input Sensitivity: AKA Rated Output (Vrms)/Rated Gain. Or, 14.3/12. You do the math.

Input Impedance: 22k ohms SE, 44k ohms balanced

Crosstalk: >95dB, 20-20kHz


Power Output:

Stereo, 8 Ohms: 100W RMS per channel
Stereo, 4 Ohms: 200W RMS per channel
Mono, 8 ohms: 400W RMS

Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, +/-0.03db, 3Hz-500KHz, +/-3dB

THD: <0.004%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 100W RMS into 8 ohms
IMD: <0.005%, CCIR, at 100W RMS into 8 ohms

SNR: >123dB, A-weighted, referenced to full output

Damping Factor: >100 into 8 ohms, 20-20kHz

Gain: 20 (26dB)
Input Sensitivity: AKA Rated Output (Vrms)/Rated Gain. Or, 28V/20. You do the math.

Input Impedance: 22k ohms SE, 44k ohms balanced

Crosstalk: >90dB, 20-20kHz
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