I was sent a photo of my remote, before they have put the knob and electronics in. I chose a custom finish in Wenge Wood, apparently a type of bog wood ("body of black swamp oak wood that had been in the ground for at least a few hundred years and had turned black under the influence of tannins.")
They are putting in the electronics and testing the commands this week, though waiting on some parts, but it should be shipping to me soon.
We've really got creative with the commands for this thing, within it's limitations. It can activate commands via turning the knob (obviously mostly used for volume up / down). Press/holding the knob down and turning left or right can also initiate different commands. Giving the knob a press down can activate different commands too, and depending on how long you press it, or how many times you tap it.
It will have a multicolored LED ring about the bass for indicating commands.
So, for instance, we will have commands loaded for 5 different "device set ups."
1. Benchmark LA4 commands (volume/dim sound/toggle inputs)
2. CJ Preamp commands (volume/mute/select digital or phono input)
3. Benchmark/CJ combined commands - this will send out volume commands to both preamps at the same time, while double-tapping the knob will switch between the CJ (running through my Benchmark) or the Benchmark without the CJ in the loop. The reason for the dual commands is that I often set the volume the same on each to start out with, but I sometimes switch between preamps when listening and this should...fingers crossed...keep a little more consistancy in volume when I switch.
4. Denon AVR / Apple TV combo. This will use the volume knob to control volume when watching APPLE TV in my home theater system, and other actions will send commands to APPLE TV. So tapping the knob will pause/unpause the picture, push turn R (or double tapping the knob) will Fast Forward, push turn L (or quick triple tap) will reverse picture.
5. Denon AVR / Oppo combo. Same as above, only (aside from volume) the commands will control my OPPO UHD blu ray player for watching movies.
So to choose a device setting:
A 2 second hold down of the knob will put it in to "Device selection mode." I can then toggle among the device selections, all represented by a color emitted by the LED light ring around the base of the knob.
So if I tap the knob again it will move to the next device - blue for the benchmark commands, red for CJ, purple for Benchmark/Cj combo, Green for Denon/Apple, Yellow for Denon/Oppo. Once the appropriate color is selected for the device I want, another two second push of the knob will load those commands.
Who knows how it will all work? I'm expecting glitches along the way. But even using it in it's most basic mode as a volume control will be satisfactory as that was my original intent.