Hi, can anyone advice on the use of a Minidsp 2x4HD for room correction, in combination with a Marantz PM8005?
I currently use (Focus Fidelity generated) convolution filters in Roon, that is connected via (Topping) DAC to the PM8005. I have an active subwoofer connected to the pre-amp of the PM8005.
This works great for the digital stream.
I would like however, to use the filter (in combination with the sub) also for analog cd and phono…
I read that it might be possible to connect the 2x4HD to the tape-out and tape-in, but I do not understand how that would work. Can someone explain that, if indeed possible, or maybe advice on how to do it otherwise?
(I do understand that the Minidsp Flex would allow you to use that as pre-amp for cd/phono, digital and sub, but it would also add a phono amp and I would like to reuse the PM8005 features as much as possible, also from a WAF point of view.)
Tia for any points of view
I currently use (Focus Fidelity generated) convolution filters in Roon, that is connected via (Topping) DAC to the PM8005. I have an active subwoofer connected to the pre-amp of the PM8005.
This works great for the digital stream.
I would like however, to use the filter (in combination with the sub) also for analog cd and phono…
I read that it might be possible to connect the 2x4HD to the tape-out and tape-in, but I do not understand how that would work. Can someone explain that, if indeed possible, or maybe advice on how to do it otherwise?
(I do understand that the Minidsp Flex would allow you to use that as pre-amp for cd/phono, digital and sub, but it would also add a phono amp and I would like to reuse the PM8005 features as much as possible, also from a WAF point of view.)
Tia for any points of view