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Mesanovic RTM10 @ Purité Audio

Purité Audio

Grand Contributor
Industry Insider
Forum Donor
Feb 29, 2016
Mesanovic RTM 10 three way monitors, measurements are stellar, should arrive this week, this is them.

Slightly less gloomy photograph,
Mesanovic RTM10 monitors designed by Denial Mesanovic, the ribbon used in the tweeter was developed as part of his engineering senior thesis.

Mesanovic’s moved to second room, stands ordered, acoustic centre is midway between tweeter and woofer, I need a slight taller stand 82cm to bring the speaker up to ear height.
The Mesanovic RTM10 monitor joins GGNTKTs M1, Dutch&Dutch 8C and Kii THREE/BXT at Purité Audio London.

RTM10’s side mounted 10”

Bloody Hell Keith, you're like the young Arsene Wenger of the loud speaker world, discovering latent talent and bringing it to the big stage. :)

These things make those Dutch's you sold me look like Tulips. Are they any good?

Actually I think I am more like the old Arsene!
They are punchy, I do like them, both my pairs of 8Cs are out and ‘locked down’ but I will compare the directly.
You would need external eq, they aren’t cardioid I will write a full comparison asap.
BW Keith
Actually I think I am more like the old Arsene!
BW Keith

Hmm, don't be hard on yourself!

Anyway, good to see you've retained your knack for diplomacy so I wont be holding my breath for your back to back review. ;)

You've got some very interesting new talent at Purite Towers by the looks of it. @CtheArgie, we defo need to get vaccinated and get round there!
New stands for the Mesanovic RTM10’s arrived courtesy of Paul at ‘custom design’, Deni ( Mesanovic) uses Sound Anchor stands which I might try in future.
These are standard four pillar designs the top plate consists of two thin metal sheets with a membrane between, sound deadened steel is the manufacturer I believe.
I am going to acoustically measure the RTM10s with and without their isolation platform, speaker isolation products are popular over here ( U.K.) at the moment, I remain sceptical, I imagine results will be highly room dependent.

New stands for the Mesanovic RTM10’s arrived courtesy of Paul at ‘custom design’, Deni ( Mesanovic) uses Sound Anchor stands which I might try in future.
These are standard four pillar designs the top plate consists of two thin metal sheets with a membrane between, sound deadened steel is the manufacturer I believe.
I am going to acoustically measure the RTM10s with and without their isolation platform, speaker isolation products are popular over here ( U.K.) at the moment, I remain sceptical, I imagine results will be highly room dependent.

The whole thing riding on earthquake plates looks a little on the tweaky side, but still it's a superb speaker design.
I spoke to Deni regarding the isolation, Mesanovic have designed them to maximise the performance of the RTM10 ( or any loudspeaker of a similar weight) I imagine results will be hugely room/ room construction dependent.
RTM10 next to GGNTKT M1’s.

FWIW Keith, based on my work isolating stuff these isolation pads are the best engineered I have seen from any speaker company.
How big an improvement they make to spurious radiation in the room will be dependant on the floor construction but they will always be more accurate I would expect.
In fact the sensible engineering in the stands makes me more impressed by the speakers too.
I asked Deni ( Denial Mesanovic) about the stands, ( perhaps he might chip in I will ask) he has measured them and believes they can bring an improvement they are designed for. the weight of the RTM10.
I will measure with and without and post them up here, I imagine results will be heavily room/construction/volume dependent?
They are really good sounding loudspeakers, I have a new 8C delivery arriving this week and will compare.
Very Best,
I asked Deni ( Denial Mesanovic) about the stands, ( perhaps he might chip in I will ask) he has measured them and believes they can bring an improvement they are designed for. the weight of the RTM10.
I will measure with and without and post them up here, I imagine results will be heavily room/construction/volume dependent?
They are really good sounding loudspeakers, I have a new 8C delivery arriving this week and will compare.
Very Best,
Well all they do is prevent cabinet vibration coupling to the floor plus a certain amount of cabinet vibration damping from the cabinet. If you have, say a suspended wooden floor with the speakers well away from boundaries a stiffly mounted set of speakers on spikes will use the whole floor as a big soundboard. If you have a solid concrete floor there won't be much floor vibration possible and then the main gain may well be lossy pad damping the cabinet.
4 blobs of blutak on the corners between the stand and my old LS3/5as 30 years or so ago made a surprisingly large reduction in cabinet vibration.
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