Fully agree with you!I think the most important consideration is for the meter to not introduce any audible noise or distortion into the audio chain.
Yes, this was/is one of the indispensable "conditions" for my DIY on 12-VU-Meter Array in my audio project.
The IEC 60268-17 compatibility of ballistic behavior of the VU needle should be another important "condition" at lease for myself (The rise time, defined as the time it takes for the needle to reach 99% of the distance to 0 VU when the VU-meter is submitted to a signal that steps from 0 to a level that reads 0 VU, is 300 ms. The overshoot must be within 1 to 1.5%. The fall time is the same as the rise time, 300 ms.).
- My nostalgia and preference for large glass-face VU meters: DIY of 12-VU-Meter Array in multichannel multi-driver multi-way multi-amplifier stereo audio system: #535
All the VU meters should be in the end of the signal chains and definitely no throughout signal from VU unit would be utilized for further audio processing/listening purposes in my audio project.
If you would be interested in my latest audio system setup with the 12-VU-Meter Array, you would also please visit my post #931 on my project thread; the post is sharing various diagrams and photos including these diagrams for 12-VU-Meter Array under the below spoiler cover.
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