As it's my 1st post, I'd like to say hello 
Now, the topic - I'm looking at something to replace my PC-audio ALC-1220 soundard (MSI X470 M7) becuase... I'm annyoed by some hissing in my headphones. And somehow I think these should be amped better because when I had Yamaha A520, headphones gave me better experience, definetly
My current setup is:
My candidates are:
I don't want something which sounds worse than current ALC-1220 implemented on my MSI X470 M7
It should work flawlessly in Windows 10 environment... as I read about some people who needs to loop "silence" sound to not have gaps in signal after playing music.
If someone asked my about my kind of music or sound signature preferences... DAC/Amp doesn't have to color anything...
I like my current equipment - I enjoy both my long-term used AKG headphones and the new acquisition from ATH. Both pairs are slightly different, but each one fits my taste. It's even better than with women, because you can have more headphones that you like and it's just a matter of a budget

It seems to me that no. (3) is quite an opportunity, but I am asking for advice, because technically I do not know the music equipment at all, although it seems to me that audio from the launch of SoundMagic Serenade DSD (~2014/2015) has not made a leap, especially in my budget.
Other suggestions also come into play, although... I will rather not toss more coins, even to the Witcher. And the problem might be that I live in Europe, in Poland to be specific
Best wishes,
Paweł (Paul)
Now, the topic - I'm looking at something to replace my PC-audio ALC-1220 soundard (MSI X470 M7) becuase... I'm annyoed by some hissing in my headphones. And somehow I think these should be amped better because when I had Yamaha A520, headphones gave me better experience, definetly
My current setup is:
- headphones
- AKG K530 LTD
- ATH-M50xBT
- Amp: Cambridge Audio A5
- Speakers: Celef Domestic II Super
My candidates are:
- FX-Audio X6mk2 (~280 PLN [~75$], Black Friday sale) - I'm a bit uncertain reading some revievs of 1st revision/version and if the quality is ok or not, LINK
- TempoTec Sonata iDSD (~100$ BF sale either), LINK
- SoundMagic Serenade DSD (~100€, new, a bit scratched during transport). LINK
I don't want something which sounds worse than current ALC-1220 implemented on my MSI X470 M7
It should work flawlessly in Windows 10 environment... as I read about some people who needs to loop "silence" sound to not have gaps in signal after playing music.
If someone asked my about my kind of music or sound signature preferences... DAC/Amp doesn't have to color anything...
I like my current equipment - I enjoy both my long-term used AKG headphones and the new acquisition from ATH. Both pairs are slightly different, but each one fits my taste. It's even better than with women, because you can have more headphones that you like and it's just a matter of a budget

It seems to me that no. (3) is quite an opportunity, but I am asking for advice, because technically I do not know the music equipment at all, although it seems to me that audio from the launch of SoundMagic Serenade DSD (~2014/2015) has not made a leap, especially in my budget.
Other suggestions also come into play, although... I will rather not toss more coins, even to the Witcher. And the problem might be that I live in Europe, in Poland to be specific
Best wishes,
Paweł (Paul)