I have managed to time align the subwoofers now. I will say a few things about subwoofer time alignment which will hopefully help someone out there. I took a leaf out of Dr. Uli's book, and decided that I will use multiple methods to cross-check subwoofer time alignment. I have gone over the procedure so many times and spent so much time staring at the curves that I could write a treatise about it, but I suspect that even the eyes of DSP nerds on ASR will glaze over in utter boredom. So here is the abbreviated version.
Keith's rules of subwoofer time alignment:
1. You can align for the initial impulse OR the steady state, but not for both. You have to choose. This law is immutable, it is due to physical behaviour of your drivers AND the behaviour of bass in the room (it may appear to change phase due to reflections before it arrives at your mic). There is no way to DSP around it.
2. If you align for the steady state, only one frequency can ever be time aligned, and all other frequencies will diverge from perfect time alignment. You may need to employ additional strategies to achieve better time alignment.
3. Every time you do a sweep, the result will be different. I have measured variances between 0.02 - 0.1ms. This is normal, don't get too hung up about it. You are unlikely to hear a subwoofer misalignment of 0.1ms.
4. Different filters will produce different delays, so it is important to repeat the time alignment procedure every time you design a new filter for the sub, or for the woofer.
5. The importance of a good cup of coffee can not be overstated.
So why should you time align for the initial impulse? Answer: if you are high passing the main speakers. In this case, the alignment of lower frequencies of the main speaker does not matter because the sub will be handling those frequencies. Why should you time align for the steady state? Answer: if you are using both your mains and subs to produce bass.
As proof of my first statement, that it is impossible to achieve time alignment for both the initial impulse and the steady state, I offer this graph as proof:
View attachment 354567
This is a sweep of the subwoofer and the woofer, convolved with a 50Hz sinewave to better show the time behaviour of the drivers. You can see that I have rotated the subwoofer to align with the woofer at the initial impulse, but doing this messes up the steady state. Almost as if the subwoofer has inverted polarity! But not so, look closely at the initial impulse and you will see the shape of the deflection of both drivers is the same.
If we align for the steady state at 50Hz, the initial impulse is no longer aligned, as we can see here:
View attachment 354568
However, there is not much good in doing this. This is because the phase rotates across the frequency range of
both the subwoofer and the woofer. What this means is that
only one frequency can ever be time aligned, and all other frequencies will diverge from perfect time alignment. I will show this graph as proof:
View attachment 354566
This is the unwrapped measured phase of both the sub and the woofer, zoomed in the frequency band of interest (20Hz - 100Hz) and the vertical scale adjusted. Using the above method (sinewave convolution), I rotated the sub and woofer by the values I derived. As you can see, perfect alignment at 50Hz. But nowhere else. Some of those delays are almost 10 radians apart. I posted the calculation to convert radians to time
here - we are talking delays of up to 30ms! Now 30ms may not matter if it was in isolation, but if you have two drivers playing the same frequency 30ms apart it is bound to cause problems.
It MAY be possible to extract excess phase and use the min phase version to design some kind of all pass filter that will straighten the phase of both the sub and the woofer to get them to align a bit better. But since I don't need to do it because I am high passing the main speakers, I did not try this experiment.
This is why I like Acourate - it is not a "DSP black box" where measurement goes in, and result comes out. You have no idea what the "black box" did and whether the result is correct. I know that some software packages don't even let you change what the software has decided, nor do you even get the tools to check yourself. Acourate forces you to think and make decisions, and you learn so much in the process.
(EDIT) after all that I forgot to post a step response to show proper driver time alignment. So here it is:
View attachment 354570
What does a time aligned system sound like? Well, it is easier to describe what a
non-time aligned system sounds like. If you have the ability, you should deliberately mess up the time alignment of your system. You will hear smearing and a loss of clarity. The image is unstable and seems to shift depending on pitch (the worst offenders are instruments with a wide frequency range like a grand piano). Bass sounds "slow" and laggy. Dynamics are affected, and the system sounds lazy and "constricted". With time alignment, there is incredible transparency, slam, and punch.