Addicted to Fun and Learning
Part of this is adaption of the ear to ambient noise. Muscles shift the positions of middle ear bones to change sensitivity. But this biological adaptation, which increases our dynamic range perception, doesn't happen fast enough to protect from sudden impulses like gunshots, nor can it protect against sustained sounds that are too loud.
then it depend on the people how good that work. but many get hear loss. new from march 2022
Alerting that over one billion people aged 12 to 35, risking losing their hearing due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud music and other high volume recreational noise, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued new international safety advice on Wednesday to tackle the rising threat of hearing loss.
My understanding is that high frequency response is the primary contributing factor to the "cocktail party effect", or the ability to distinguish individual voices in loud environments.
you can verify easy that good binaural hearing is need. go in a room where many peoples speak and hear mono (put 1 ear plug inside) so only can hear with 1 ear. then get much problems to understand. same happen also when you record in stereo a cocktail party and then switch to mono. about cocktail party effect in short stand in german wiki . i translate this with google translate to english
The cocktail party effect is closely related to the ability to localize sound sources. Once the sense of hearing has determined the direction of a sound source, it is also able to distinguish the sound components in this direction from components from other directions
here stand it in more lines in english. my english is not so good to understand it complete. but it look very detailed and is long.