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Harman's How To Listen software

training your hearing is the worst thing you can do

it can lead to expensive buying and prevent you from listening to the music qua music
Surely you are not contradicting the Dean?
Hii, I hace Harman How to Listen in my computer but the songs sound really slowed down when played. I can´t find why.
Maybe we should develop our own open source version. Any volunteers?

I'd love to work on it, but who owns the copyright to this, and is the source available? It may be better not to start from scratch. VS is now available for free for open-source projects.
At Level 7 I too often pick the filter right next to the correct one... Don't know enough about what I'm hearing to pinpoint it to the degree it needs.

If an open source one was made I'd be happy to contribute to the development of it. I'd suggest two things:

-Give the person a small amount of credit so the score doesn't decrease so much once it gets to higher levels if the user picks an adjacent filter.

-Have some sort of RTA showing the music being played sans filter so that the person can correlate things with that and see the frequency of elements as the happen. Then they'll know what frequencies a snap is happening at, vs a cymbal, or where the vocals are primarily and if the upper or lower end is being cut or boosted.

-We Built This City: Doesn't have enough low end/on my Kali IN-8 speakers.
-Hey Brother: Seems to work well with plenty going on in the chorus.
-Shout: Maybe not enough bass, but not as bad as We Built This City. Plenty of other things going on.

Hey Brother by Avicii or I Don't Want to Live Forever by Zayne seem to work the best for me. Any recommendations others thought worked really well?
At Level 7 I too often pick the filter right next to the correct one... Don't know enough about what I'm hearing to pinpoint it to the degree it needs.
Same here :) I only had a 15 minute play with it, but it is harder than it looks! Level 7 is tricky.
I'd love to work on it, but who owns the copyright to this, and is the source available? It may be better not to start from scratch. VS is now available for free for open-source projects.
Samsung owns the IP which means there is little hope of getting through the beaucracy to get to it.
Never knew i was this good. I reached level 11 pretty easy then stopped. My observation is that between 200hz-2khz the tonality is very crucial. Below 200hz and above 5khz there can be acceptable colorations while still sounding ''correct'' where it matters the most.

Between 2khz-5khz is the weird part. I guess this is where we are the most sensitive. This is the ''shout'' part where i get the most pain. I perceive this part as the main loudness determinator. You will only able to increase the volume if this part allows it. This is probably why Audeze headphones are famous with the bass because you can just increase the volume. I don't mind dip here because i don't find it as crucial for the timbre. I perceive this part as loudness and it puts high stress on my ears. This part should be tastefully tuned in order to let other parts of the spectrum shine.
Great program and lots of fun - annoyingly though it doesn't always tell you what the correct answer is if you get it wrong, however it will tell you at the end when you show results. At 10 bands I got 50% overall and was always +/- two bands if wrong. Not sure if good or not.... need to experiment more!

Hii, I hace Harman How to Listen in my computer but the songs sound really slowed down when played. I can´t find why.
I had this problem too. Turned the format on my sound card down to 24 bit, 96kHz which solved it.
If you are still looking for an 'Open-Source' version of HTL alternative, here's the one I made years ago.

It's based on a Flutter framework, and it's currently available for mobile platforms like Android and iOS (not available on Apple Appstore tho).

Theoretically, it *should* work on modern Apple Silicon Macs, but as I don't have one, it hasn't been tested and you'll have to build the project by yourself.
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If you are still looking for an 'Open-Source' version of HTL alternative, here's the one I made years ago.

It's based on a Flutter framework, and it's currently available for mobile platforms like Android and iOS (not available on Apple Appstore tho).

Theoretically, it *should* work on modern Apple Silicon Macs, but as I don't have one, it hasn't been tested and you'll have to build the project by yourself.

This project now supports Modern Mac with MacOS 10.15+. (Need some testing on real machine tho)

Both Intel Macs and Apple Silicon Macs are supported.

This project now supports Modern Mac with MacOS 10.15+. (Need some testing on real machine tho)

Both Intel Macs and Apple Silicon Macs are supported.


eqTrainer now supports Windows (Vista+) and Linux system. (x86_64)
- Due to a limitation of Flutter framework, the Audio Editor and Auto-conversion feature is not available on these two Desktop OS at the moment.
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