What a great webinar. I would definitely recommend a watch for anyone who's interested in the W371. Watching that made me want them more, though I do still have some questions.
In the video, it's seemed like they kinda preferred the "Complimentary Mode". That mode turns the Ones into a 5 way speaker, which is kinda like trying to replicate the results you could get by running 8351 + Mid bass modules + multisub. If you're wanting to run these full range(like
@Frank Dernie), this mode seems like the best(though being able to try the other 4 is a huge plus). I was skeptical of this mode based on how close the woofers are together, but man do they get some good results.
Other than the deep bass extension, that's as good as my 4 RS2 response below 100Hz, and better from 100-250Hz

. I do wonder how "golden" this example is, though. I'm guessing it won't get results that excellent in most rooms, and I'd be very interested in seeing other examples.
Interesting that they ran the 8351b in the upright orientation. They actually posted a comparable beamwidth graph so that we can better compare. Unless you the crossover can do some magic, it does appear that the upright orientation will have a bulge in directivity around the crossover.
Still excellent, but it seems to me that you have to lay the 8351 on it's side to have true constant directivity with no bulge. That said, the crossover will no doubt iron out most of that difference (as
@q3cpma pointed out).
@Purité Audio , if you can, one thing I'd like you to compare is the subjective difference between the complimentary mode and the cardioid modes(other 4). The complimentary mode seems to be the best in terms of getting the best in room response, but I wonder if there's some magic in controlling directivity in that 100-500Hz range.
@fluid 's example seems to suggest there is. The complimentary mode loses the cardioid dispersion, but does so to improve the in room response. I'm curious about the subjective tradeoff there.