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Geithain RL 901K vs Neumann KH420

Only drawback of the RL901K is their size and weight. Certainly not for a living room unless big room.
If you are okay with the optics, they definitely can be used in smaller rooms. They are midfield monitors with a recommended listing distance between 2 and 4m (6.5 - 13ft).

Agreed. From Ron's perspective, assuming he is based in North America, Geithain has no or little presence there. Their customer service is almost non existing based on my experience.
Is service such a big issue? From what I have heard the very reliable speakers like the ones from ME Geithain need a checkup maybe every 20 years or so and almost never get broken.
Agreed. From Ron's perspective, assuming he is based in North America, Geithain has no or little presence there. Their customer service is almost non existing based on my experience.
If I were based in North America I would certainly not buy anything from Geithain.

Don't get me wrong though. I was way more impressed with the RL901K than any Neumann or Genelec I demoed.
Last time I checked Texas was in North America. Geithain is also considerably more expensive than the others mentioned here.
More established company? You must be joking, do you know how long me geithain operates already and what kind of customers they have....?
I'm not joking, are you? Based on what I could find using a web search Neumann has a worldwide presence and Geithain appeared in Germany, the UK and one random dealer in Korea. I found a 2012 review from a UK outfit which said Geithan had little presence there at the time. Neumann started making microphones in 1928. Geithain was almost nothing until German reunification in 1990 when it became a private company. I'm willing to bet Neumann has more than 10 times the revenue as Geithain. In audio there are many great products which come from tiny companies. I used to have some Snell E III's. The owner dropped dead and so did the company and support. I'm willing to take a chance for $1,000 or $1,500, but not for north of 10 grand. I can buy Neumann from Guitar Center which has stores all over the US. Two within 15 minutes of my house or Sweetwater with their amazing customer service. Genelec is a different story with no dealers in Houston, the 4th largest US city, but I can get them from Sweetwater if I wanted.
Geithain doesn’t have a room at the Munich show, they have an open space exhibit. You can look and ask questions, but not listen.
Not true ;) Claus Bücher had a room where you could listen to 3 Geithain models ;) 901 and the new MO1 MK2 included.

I owned the MO2 in the past and heard the RL901 a couple of times. I also had the KH120 and Genelec 8030. I visited the Geithain factory some years ago when there were totally unknown in the HIFI scene yet.

My impressions so far. All those studio speakers sound incredible similar no matter what size you choose (within in the same range of the manufacturer) The tiny MO2 with a sub sounded very very similar the 901. For that reason Claus did the demo in Munich. People sometimes could not beliebe those small speakers very really plugged in.

Same is true for Genelec. There is not a huge difference between lets say 8020, 8030 and 8040. Or KH80 and KH 120 when using a sub.

I would choose the speaker based on what music you listen to

1) Classical music, Jazz, Acoustic music: "Real instruments" Geithain. The founder of Geithain is a big classical fan and exactly knows how example an organ should sound like
2) I have not directly compared Geithain and Neumann. But I think Geithain is a bit more fun to listen too. Neumann maybe a bit more analytical
3) Genelec (80XX series) Thats the best one if you want to listen to a broad range of music. I think Rock music sounds way better on those than on the other speakers. Also modern "dance" music sounds better on the Genelec. I have compared the Genelec and Neumann directly next to each other in my room.

Geithain is mainly selling directly to German radio/TV stations. This is the area where there came from originally.

None of those speakers are really "better" than the others. They are all totally fascinating (for different reasons). I never heard the coaxial Genelecs. Might be perfect for me. But way too expensive.
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Yes, I was also pleasantly surprised to find it this year :)
How did you like the new MO1 MK2 ? I was very surprised how good they sounded. As far as I understood you can test order Geithains at Claus's store (at least in Germany). Claus is the only one that actually sells Geithains in Germany as far as I know. Other than the manufacturer itself.
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I've heard the phrase "all Geithains sound the same" so many times that I was not surprised :) They did use a subwoofer with them though. There are more dealers than just him, I bought mine from a dealer in Bavaria.
OK. Didn't know that there are other dealers. Wrote you a PM. Yes they were using a Sub indeed. A new, tiny prototype.
I would also look into the Genelec 8361a if possible. They compare favorably to the Neumann KH-420 and are also coaxial so they have great directivity in both the horizontal and vertical domain. Measurements are available for both the 8361a and KH-420 here at ASR.
I second looking at the Genelec 8361(The Ones). They offer better l dispersion characteristics than the ME Geithain, better listening window, and look to have smoother DI overall.

That said, I would also equally consider the Geithain. They should have the power/spl advantage, as well as the advantage of cardioid dispersion. You can add those cardioid dispersion characteristics to the Genelec via the W371A module, but at that point you’re paying more than you would for the MEG.

Where I live, MEG is not an option, but Genelec is everywhere. If I had access to both, I’d weigh the pros and cons of both. Optimally, I’d try to listen to both side by side, blind.

None of this is to say that the KH420 doesn’t also have its own advantages. Honestly speaking, these are all state of the art speakers, and all of them can blow your mind.
I am not aware of your room situation, however, if soffit-mounting is considered, you can only go with the Neumann.
Anyway, try to audit all of them and you will figure out by yourself, they are all great monitors. About service, MEG may not have a service network outside of EU. However, what can break down? Chassis? MEG can ship that everywhere. Electronics? They supply a schematics with every speaker - it’s all analog and easy to be fixed. To be frank, Neumann is more critical as if they change a chassis, the speaker has to be measured again (means back to Ireland).
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