We just went through this about a year ago. Many people put in very good suggestions. It settled on having the receiver have power across the front three L/C/R at its 4 ohm rating. Just going to 4 ohm instead of 8 ohm will help a lot. I know Gene at Audioholics was saying that almost all receivers made would shut down after a few minutes at their rated power. So, if they would stick to what thousands of people told them, set the standard for the front three at 4 ohms and then I think (been awhile) that it was 70% of the rating for all the surround speakers. This would guarantee a nice jump in the robust nature of receiver amps. As it is now the FTC has apparently done NOTHING with the last go around and is putting out a much watered down version to see how it goes. In the end the good old FTC is going to do something that most likely will end up in doing nothing to keep the power ratings realistic. The consumer will get no help at all.