I'm extremely happy with my 2x V3 monos with 2x 5A power supplies! With the 5A power supplies, I have no turn-on pops through the speakers (I think it may a 10A PS problem). I'm using the V3 monos with RCA pre-outs from my Pioneer Elite SC-LX901 receiver (for those of you unaware, the Pioneer was the premier receiver a few years ago and uses class D ICE amplifiers) into my Magnepan 2.5R speakers using DH Labs silver sonic cabling (RCAs and speaker cables) in an extremely large open concept living area with 20 foot cathedral ceilings. Magnepans are extremely revealing and inefficient 4 ohm speakers which require quality amplification and high current. Regarding sound quality, the Pioneer has a hard edge to the sound which is unpleasant compared to the natural sounding V3s. Also, the sonic background of the V3 monos is completely silent whereas the Pioneer has low level noise. I blind A/B compared the V3 monos vs. the Pioneer with my wife who is not an audiophile and she corroborated my observations (I used an SPL meter to level match the Pioneer). The V3 monos do get hot, but no hotter than my Pioneer. It's not burn-your hand hot, but it's more than just warm. The V3 monos are currently being powered by a 15 amp line on the same circuit as all my other equipment (receiver, TV, blu-ray player, lights), so I'm particularly impressed with their performance on the sub-par electrical connection I currently have available (I'm planning to install a dedicated 20 amp outlet for them soon). Despite the large size of my room and the inefficiency of my Magnepans, the V3 monos are able to drive the speakers to room-filling levels with both music and movies. Regarding the output level of the V3 monos, I am running them at 25dB gain as I liked the sound vs the 31dB. Compared to the Pioneer, I had to turn the volume up 3.5dB to match the output. However, since the sound quality is better I was able to turn the volume down compared to how I normally listen so I'm very happy with the output. I have owned many high-end amplifiers in the past costing many, many times the price of the V3 monos and weighing exponentially more. I'm thrilled that sound like this can come out of such a small, light, and inexpensive component. Once they're available on Amazon, I'm planning to purchase enough to power my 7.2.4 system and a processor with balanced outputs, but given how good the V3 monos sound as is I'm more than content for now.