I can tell
You from experience that I recently upgraded from three V3 monos, with Sparkos opamps, to three Hypex NC250MPs in Ghent Audio enclosures. I was curious exactly as you are so I built three and swapped them out. The V3s are now powering a pair of ADS L810s that I have setup in my office at work, with the third powering a passive franken-sub I made out of leftover parts and the Ghent/Hypex amps are powering my L, C, R on my primary system, being fed by a Schiit Syn that I adore. I have to make it clear, the decision to relegate the V3s to office duty wasn’t entirely based on audio superiority. The Hypex do have more punch and seem to be a better match with my full range speakers I have in my primary system, but a big factor for me is how much cooler they run. The V3s run hot enough to hurt when I rest my forearm on them while reconfiguring my components. The Hypex run slightly warmer than room temp. They push my 86db sensitivity speakers with authority and immediacy that the Fosi’s just can’t quite match and without breaking a sweat.