just received my v3.
excited (trying to replace my "broken" yamie ax590) - still needs some acclimatisation time.
while waiting i reviewed the connectors:
and, the speaker connectors are really small.
the diameter of a bare speaker cable connected to such connectors can not exceed ~2mm (3.14mm2/12AWG).
the diameter of the connector itself is 10mm (0.39inch) and the screwable cap is tiny, and can not hold a bare speaker cable of decent diameter.
the only way to use bare speaker cable is while fiddling it through the little hole (2mm) or use some kind of plug or spade.
even if one insists to use bare cables the connector holes are positioned to input the cable from the top or bottom (12/6 o'clock) only for each connector the same.
there was no thought designing this. they should be placed so, that cables can be inserted from the side (and also, not to disturb the power cable or input cables on the way).
as i am at it - speaker's plus/minus is 15mm/0.59inch apart and speaker left/right are 20mm/0.79inch apart.
input plus/minus are 14mm/0.55inch apart.
inputs and right speaker are 27mm/1.06inch apart.
speaker connectors are 15mm/0.59inch higher than surface (where v3 stands on).
another thing i noticed, the little resistance to power/un-power the amp using the volume knob reaches far up 8:45 (starting 7:30).
so, volume starts at short to 9:00 position and switches off at around 8:00 (starting 8:45).
not so much audiophile input (yet) but the outside dimensions are important too, imho.
still wonder why there is such a form factor as with the v3, when a normal amp has a defined size (~17inch).
some facts:
using the 48V/5A power supply.
the V3 volume knob and its volume adjustment is not nice.
1: there is no 100% silence at pos 0 (right after turning on and before turning off volume knob position) - sound leaks very quietly
2: a slight hiss is audible throughout the volume range (no source, just speakers; increases a bit after 5 o'clock position until end) - not audible on listening position (3-4m/10-13feet)
3: turning the knob produces scratchy noise (not constantly, more random, not volume knob position related, slight audible "crackling") - not using the v3 as volume adjusting device, so does not matter for me
4: there is no real V3 adjustable silent volume mode - dont feel the advertised non-linear volume knob level adjustment - it goes from silent to louder in short turn of the volume knob (with source at full volume) - once out of silent mode it is at listening level and goes fast into loud (9 o'clock to 11 o'clock volume knob position). my source (CXN in pre-amp mode has a more logic volume adjustment, v3 in full volume then)
subjective audio update:
compared to my aged yamaha ax590 (20+years; left right imbalance on pre-amp; used only as main-in power amp)
V3 driving 2 Quadral Platinium mk2, 89.5db sensitive, 100W RMS (180W max)
CXN V2 providing RCA input - roon+qobuz
V3 on max volume with CXN's volume to adjust volume (CXN pre-amp on; same as used on yamaha main-in power amp mode)
CXN V2 offering a great pre-amp experience (silent volume up to louder in fine adjustable "steps") - great sounding.
i have a measured frequency response of the ax590 (starts loosing at 3k already with -1.5db at 16k

+ terrible cross-talk in 30-200Hz range) and can compare it with the V3's one (-0.5db at 20k starting at 9k). and one can hear it. nice improvement.
V3 to adjust volume (CXN pre-amp off; max volume)
CXN V2 giving full range into the V3
not feeling the quality of sound as when using the CXN as pre-amp.
waiting for the P3 - but sounds great now already