I have accumulated a lot of equipment I don’t need. The residue of my audiophile past. I’m in the middle of dealing with my Dad’s dementia and my parents’ estate, so I’m short on time and energy for selling and shipping. Any members in NY who would be interested in these? I’m also happy to discuss consignment if you think you can do better and take the difference.
I have (In rough order of weight)
I set all these prices as best I could by using hifi Shark sold prices and discounting 40-50%. The data isn’t totally transparent there, but I did what I could. Where there was light dollar activity I looked at European transactions. I have lots of styrofoam and bubble wrap here, but if you are picking up the Adcom or the VTLs, be prepared (I can help you pack the tubes wrapped separately, as I‘ve kept them.
A few of the VTL tubes seem biased lean to me. I have extras, but you’ll want to adjust that on your own after unpacking and positioning. There’s a video in a post down below with the tubes lit up and the amps playing.
Let me know.
I have (In rough order of weight)
- (~1995) VTL 225 Deluxe (pair) with full set of KT90/2ax7 tubes and a Few spares (4 KT90) + separate Tice vari-AC to protect it. Works well. VTL Tube Book as well. $1400
- ~1997 Adcom 5802 - tested and working properly - $600
- ~2000 Adcom GTP 500 II - tested and working properly - $75. Have remote control but it has battery corrosion
- Marantz HD-AMP1 no remote control - $300
- Pair JBL L830 2010 or so. Veneer warped away slightly on left of one channel $150 (these are really good for the price IMO) Cherry, I have matching stands.
- KRK subwoofer - make me an offer, I’ll post a picture below
- (1986) Bryston 3B - tested and working properly - $250
- (2017) KEF LS50 Wireless pair (UPDATE: SOLD!)
- Systemdek turntable circa 1989 with Sumiko arm & cartridge - $300 (tested and working)
- IFI pro DSD DAC/Headphone amp - $800 (surprised at the second hand prices on these)
- Sony SCD-1 SACD player (as heavy as a VTL amp) tested and working properly - $1200
- Nakamichi Tuner 1989 $150
- Cary Preamp circa 1992 (UPDATE: NEEDS REPAIR) - whoever wants this.
- Theta DS Pre Basic II - $100. Needs a new toggle switch on front panel.
I set all these prices as best I could by using hifi Shark sold prices and discounting 40-50%. The data isn’t totally transparent there, but I did what I could. Where there was light dollar activity I looked at European transactions. I have lots of styrofoam and bubble wrap here, but if you are picking up the Adcom or the VTLs, be prepared (I can help you pack the tubes wrapped separately, as I‘ve kept them.
A few of the VTL tubes seem biased lean to me. I have extras, but you’ll want to adjust that on your own after unpacking and positioning. There’s a video in a post down below with the tubes lit up and the amps playing.
Let me know.
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