Following a few similar queries on ASR I decided I would update this guide with:
Step 1: Take the measurement
If you have an SPL meter:
1. Use your SPL meter (C-weighting, slow) to measure the room's noise floor. It should be about 40-45dB.
2. Using your SPL meter, calibrate REW's output to 75dB.
3. Take a proper measurement from the main listening position. What is important is REPEATABILITY. Do not take before and after measurements after you move your microphone, for e.g. after installing acoustic foam! Mark the position of the microphone with masking tape if you need to move the mic. Some people use a plumb line.
If you do not have an SPL meter, I have a suggested workaround. The idea is to compare the noise floor of the measurement with a dummy measurement of the room's noise floor. I came up with this method myself so I have no idea what
@JohnPM thinks of it.
1. Place your mic at the listening position.
2. Mute your speakers and use REW's MMM recorder. Do not play any sound, let it record the room's ambient noise. After about 20sec, end the measurement and save the recording.
3. We will assume your room's noise floor is 40dB. Using "align SPL" (in All SPL tab, right click on the graph), choose an alignment level of 40dB. Set it aside for now. Now we take the measurement.
4. Take a sweep as per normal.
5. Go to the waterfall and zoom out so that the first 1000ms is displayed. Compare the waterfall of your sweep with the waterfall of the noise you recorded earlier. You want to see if the noise level is the same.
6. If it is louder or softer than the reference noise floor of 40dB, use "align SPL" on the measurement and choose 75dB to start. Compare again until you see the noise floor of the MMM recording and your measurement looks the same. Take note of how much you had to adjust the SPL.
7. Increase/decrease the gain of your measurement volume by the amount noted. Repeat the sweep.
Step 2: Look at the Energy-Time Curve
1. Go to REW's "Impulse" tab. From the drop down menu, change the view from % to dBFS.
2. Hold down the CTRL key and right click and drag to create a box. You want to see the first 30ms of the ETC. Then left click inside the box to zoom. You will see something like this:
3. The first 20ms of the ETC is the
Haas Fusion Zone. Reflections that arrive within the first 20ms are integrated with the direct sound. If they are early and loud, the effect is to smear the sound and reduce clarity. After 20-30ms (depending on wavelength) the sound is perceived as ambience or spaciousness. After 50-150ms (again depending on frequency) the sound is perceived as a separate event - an echo. For this reason, very early reflections <20ms should be -15dB to the main impulse. Mentally draw in a line and study any peaks that occur above the line.
4. I have labelled the reflections 1, 2, 3, 4. Taking the first reflection alone, we see that it is -4dB to the main impulse, with a 1.5ms delay. This is very bad.
5. Convert the delay to distance with this formula:
d = tc/1000 where
d is distance in feet or meters,
t is time in milliseconds, and
c is the speed of sound (343m/s or 1125ft/s). In this case, 1.5ms is a distance of 0.515m, or 1.78ft.
6. Now go around your listening room with a tape measure to see where the reflection has come from. This is how. Measure the distance from the mic to the speakers, and then measure the distance from the mic/speaker to the suspected boundary which caused the reflection. Then do this calculation:
2x = direct sound, time reference zero.
2y = distance travelled by reflection
d (from energy time curve) =
2y - 2x
If d matches 2y-2x, you have found your culprit. Slap some absorbent foam on it and re-measure.