• WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share knowledge of science required. There are many reviews of audio hardware and expert members to help answer your questions. Click here to have your audio equipment measured for free!

End of the audio writers as we know :-)

Some may have heard about the machine learning tools that OpenAI had been publishing. DALL.E had been creating spectacular images from text inputs for a while now. ChatGBT is their latest system. It creates output from simple requests. This is what I asked the system.

This is what it outputted. I read it again and again and found no issues within the text. What do you think?

Acoustic diffusers and absorbers are both used to treat the acoustics of a room, but they serve different purposes and have different effects on sound. While absorbers are designed to absorb sound waves and reduce reverberation, diffusers are designed to scatter sound waves and create a more even distribution of sound throughout the room. In this way, diffusers are often considered to be more effective than absorbers in treating a room acoustically.

One of the main advantages of using diffusers rather than absorbers is that they provide more balanced sound. Absorbers work by converting sound waves into heat energy, which can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces in a room. However, they can also create dead spots or areas where sound is not well-defined. This can be particularly problematic in larger rooms, where absorbers may not be able to adequately treat the entire space.

Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions rather than absorbing them. This can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a room. Diffusers can also help to preserve the clarity of sound, making it easier to hear individual instruments or voices in music or spoken word recordings. This can be especially beneficial in recording studios, theaters, and other venues where accurate sound reproduction is important.

Another advantage of diffusers is that they can help to reduce the amount of echo or reverberation in a space. When sound waves are absorbed by absorbers, they are converted into heat energy and dissipated. This can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, but it can also create a hollow or empty sound in the room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions, which can help to break up standing waves and reduce the amount of echo and reverberation in a space. This can make the room sound more natural and pleasant to be in.

In addition to their sound-related benefits, diffusers are also often considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers. Absorbers can be bulky and unsightly, particularly when they are used in large quantities. Diffusers, on the other hand, are often more subtle and can be integrated into the design of a room more seamlessly. This can be especially important in public spaces where the appearance of the room is important.

Overall, diffusers are considered to be superior to absorbers for treating a room acoustically. While absorbers can effectively reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, they can also create dead spots and a hollow sound in a room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions and can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a space. They can also help to reduce echo and reverberation, and they are often more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers.

I then asked this:

It told me this. @amirm hire this guy! :)

Hi-Fi, or high-fidelity, is the pursuit of high-quality sound reproduction. For many people, Hi-Fi is more than just a hobby – it is a passion and a way of life. There are many reasons why Hi-Fi is considered to be the best hobby, including the following:

First, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Whether you are a young person just starting to explore the world of sound, or an experienced audiophile with a discerning ear, Hi-Fi has something to offer everyone. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed alone or with others, and it can provide hours of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Second, Hi-Fi is a hobby that allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Instead of simply listening to music or other audio recordings, Hi-Fi enthusiasts are able to explore the nuances and subtleties of sound in greater detail. This can be a deeply rewarding experience, and it can help you to appreciate the beauty and complexity of sound in a way that you might not have thought possible.

Third, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences. Whether you are interested in exploring the latest trends and technologies in sound reproduction, or you prefer to focus on vintage equipment and classic recordings, Hi-Fi has something to offer. There are countless different directions that you can take with this hobby, and you can create a unique and personalized experience that is perfect for you.

In conclusion, Hi-Fi is the best hobby for many reasons. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life, and it allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences, and it can be a source of great personal satisfaction and enjoyment. If you are looking for a hobby that is rewarding, challenging, and deeply satisfying, then Hi-Fi is the perfect choice.
I have just asked it, How might one decide who was the best writer of fiction since records began?, and received a very comprehensive and considered opinion. Most impresse.
The footnote. - Definitely Michael Fremer, was slightly disappointing.
I was pretty amazed myself.

What can you tell me about speaker directivity index?

The speaker directivity index (SDI) is a measure of how directional a speaker is in terms of its sound radiation. It is a way of comparing the directivity of a speaker to that of an ideal reference speaker, which is a hypothetical speaker that radiates sound equally in all directions.
The SDI is typically expressed as a percentage, with 100% corresponding to a perfectly omnidirectional speaker and 0% corresponding to a perfectly directional speaker. In practice, most speakers have an SDI somewhere between these two extremes.
The SDI is often used to compare the directivity of different speakers, or to evaluate the performance of a speaker in a particular application. For example, a speaker with a high SDI may be more suitable for use in a large venue where sound needs to be evenly distributed, while a speaker with a low SDI may be more suitable for use in a small room where sound needs to be focused in a specific direction.
There are a number of factors that can affect the directivity of a speaker, including the size and shape of the diaphragm, the type of enclosure, and the frequency response of the speaker. By carefully designing and engineering these aspects of a speaker, it is possible to achieve a wide range of directivity characteristics.

How does cadioid behavior affect the speaker directivity index?

Cardioid behavior refers to the directional properties of a speaker or microphone that are shaped like a heart, or a cardioid curve. Cardioid speakers and microphones are designed to have a directional response, meaning that they are more sensitive to sound coming from certain directions and less sensitive to sound coming from other directions.
The directivity of a cardioid speaker is determined by the shape of its radiation pattern, which is a graphical representation of how the speaker radiates sound in different directions. A cardioid speaker has a directional radiation pattern that is shaped like a heart, with the highest sensitivity towards the front of the speaker and the lowest sensitivity towards the rear of the speaker. This means that the speaker is more effective at focusing sound in a particular direction, which can be useful in certain applications.
The speaker directivity index (SDI) is a measure of how directional a speaker is in terms of its sound radiation. A speaker with a high SDI will have a more directional response, while a speaker with a low SDI will have a more omnidirectional response. Cardioid speakers tend to have a higher SDI than omnidirectional speakers, because they are more directional in their sound radiation. However, the specific value of the SDI for a given cardioid speaker will depend on the shape and size of its radiation pattern, as well as other factors such as the frequency response of the speaker.

Design a cardioid subwoofer

Designing a cardioid subwoofer involves carefully engineering the size, shape, and orientation of the subwoofer's driver and enclosure to achieve a directional radiation pattern. Here are the steps you can follow to design a cardioid subwoofer:
  1. Determine the size and shape of the subwoofer driver: The size and shape of the subwoofer driver will have a significant impact on the directivity of the subwoofer. A larger driver will have a more directional response, while a smaller driver will have a more omnidirectional response.
  2. Design the subwoofer enclosure: The enclosure of the subwoofer plays a crucial role in shaping the radiation pattern of the subwoofer. To design a cardioid subwoofer, you will need to design an enclosure that directs sound forward while suppressing sound from the rear of the subwoofer. This can be achieved by using carefully shaped and sized ports, or by using diffraction elements on the enclosure surface.
  3. Optimize the frequency response: The frequency response of the subwoofer will also impact its directivity. You can optimize the frequency response of the subwoofer by adjusting the size and shape of the driver, as well as the size and shape of the enclosure.
  4. Measure and fine-tune the radiation pattern: Once you have designed and built your cardioid subwoofer, it is important to measure and fine-tune the radiation pattern to ensure that it has the desired directional characteristics. This can be done using a measurement microphone and a sound level meter, or by using specialized software tools.
It is important to note that designing a cardioid subwoofer is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of acoustics and speaker design principles. If you are not familiar with these concepts, it may be advisable to seek the guidance of an experienced audio engineer or acoustician.

Sound for videowalls

Video walls are large displays consisting of multiple smaller displays arranged in a grid or other configuration. They are often used in public spaces, such as malls, airports, and sports arenas, to display multimedia content and attract attention.
To enhance the visual experience of a video wall, it is important to also consider the audio experience. There are several ways to provide sound for a video wall, depending on the size and layout of the wall and the desired sound coverage. Some options include:
  1. Use in-ceiling speakers: In-ceiling speakers can be installed in the ceiling above the video wall to provide a seamless and unobtrusive sound solution. These speakers can be mounted flush with the ceiling or recessed to blend in with the surrounding architecture.
  2. Use wall-mounted speakers: Wall-mounted speakers can be mounted on the walls surrounding the video wall to provide a more immersive sound experience. These speakers can be hidden behind the video wall or mounted on the walls in a visible location.
  3. Use portable speakers: Portable speakers can be used to provide sound for a video wall on a temporary or semi-permanent basis. These speakers can be placed on stands or mounted on tripods to provide sound coverage in specific areas.
  4. Use a soundbar: A soundbar is a long, thin speaker that can be mounted on the wall below or above the video wall. Soundbars are typically designed to provide a wide frequency response and a large soundstage, making them well-suited for use with video walls.
  5. Use a sound system: For larger video walls or more complex sound requirements, a more comprehensive sound system may be required. This could include a combination of in-ceiling speakers, wall-mounted speakers, and portable speakers, as well as a mixer, amplifiers, and other equipment.
It is important to consider the acoustics of the space when selecting a sound solution for a video wall. The size and layout of the space, as well as the intended audience, will all affect the sound coverage and quality. Working with an audio engineer or acoustician can help ensure that the sound system is properly designed and installed for the specific needs of the space.

What immersive audio setups work best for videowalls

There are several immersive audio setups that can work well for videowalls, depending on the size and layout of the wall and the desired sound coverage. Some options include:
  1. Surround sound: Surround sound systems use a combination of speakers arranged around the listener to create a sense of immersion. For videowalls, you can use a surround sound system with speakers mounted on the walls surrounding the video wall, or you can use in-ceiling speakers to provide a more seamless and unobtrusive sound solution.
  2. Object-based audio: Object-based audio systems use individual audio objects that can be placed and moved in a virtual 3D space. This allows for a more dynamic and immersive audio experience, as the sound can be placed and moved in relation to the visual content on the video wall.
  3. Ambisonics: Ambisonics is a type of surround sound system that uses a special microphone and speaker setup to capture and reproduce sound in a full 360-degree sphere around the listener. This can create a highly immersive audio experience, especially when combined with a video wall.
  4. Virtual reality (VR) audio: VR audio systems use specialized headphones or earbuds to create a 3D audio experience that is closely tied to the user's movements and head orientation. This can be used in conjunction with a video wall to create a fully immersive audio-visual experience.
It is important to consider the acoustics of the space when selecting an immersive audio setup for a video wall. The size and layout of the space, as well as the intended audience, will all affect the sound coverage and quality. Working with an audio engineer or acoustician can help ensure that the immersive audio system is properly designed and installed for the specific needs of the space.

What is time smear distortion in compression drivers

Time smear distortion is a type of distortion that can occur in compression drivers, which are high-frequency transducers commonly used in speaker systems. It is caused by the limited ability of the diaphragm of the compression driver to move quickly and accurately, resulting in the smearing or blending of adjacent frequencies in the output signal.
Time smear distortion can occur when the compression driver is asked to reproduce rapid changes in the input signal, such as when reproducing fast-paced music or sharp transient sounds. It is most noticeable in the high-frequency range of the compression driver, where the diaphragm must move more quickly to reproduce the higher frequencies.
Time smear distortion can be reduced by designing the compression driver with a diaphragm that is able to move more quickly and accurately, as well as by optimizing the geometry and mass of the diaphragm. It can also be reduced by using a crossover network to filter out high-frequency signals that may cause the diaphragm to move too quickly.
Overall, minimizing time smear distortion is important for achieving high-quality sound reproduction, as it can negatively impact the clarity and definition of the output signal.
We’re very close to inventing General Intelligence, i wouldn’t write it out just yet.

As for specific intelligence (but again this text based AI is barely specific at this point) its obvious that this is AI is very very convincing.

That’s not really new, obviously AI has been surpassing us in specific tasks for decades now, but this is very close to general intelligence right now. Give that AI an account on this forum and it would take us years to figure out that it is a bot.
Nah. It is more time consuming to realise that the generated texts are nonsense than with earlier AI:s, but it's still the same as before: it hasn't got a clue about anything and so you cannot really use anything it "says". Take Rotiv's post above as an example:
"Human: what do you think about double blinding listen to evaluate hifi
AI: I think double-blind audio tests are an excellent way to evaluate hi-fi equipment as they can help eliminate any potential bias in the evaluation process. By having one group of listeners use the new equipment and another group using the old equipment, any potential bias is removed from the equation. This allows for a more objective evaluation of the audio equipment and its performance."
It obviously hasn't got a clue what double-blind testing is (it has no understanding of the context of the question), but you need to read critically to see it. This shines through in pretty much all texts it produces IMO, and that's also why it produces texts that are contradictory, as with the diffusers vs absorbers. There's not a shred of intelligence behind it, just a rehash/mishmash of existing texts. It seems to be very good at interpreting written questions/commands though, and how to generate something that will satisfy the input.

Now if you could extend it so it could experience the world somehow, give it a lust for exploring the world, ways to experience "pain" and "pleasure" (however that would work for synthetic being) - then it could start to draw its own conclusions and reflect on things in a meaningful way. To properly learn. We are far away from that, as far as I know.
Some may have heard about the machine learning tools that OpenAI had been publishing. DALL.E had been creating spectacular images from text inputs for a while now. ChatGBT is their latest system. It creates output from simple requests. This is what I asked the system.

This is what it outputted. I read it again and again and found no issues within the text. What do you think?

Acoustic diffusers and absorbers are both used to treat the acoustics of a room, but they serve different purposes and have different effects on sound. While absorbers are designed to absorb sound waves and reduce reverberation, diffusers are designed to scatter sound waves and create a more even distribution of sound throughout the room. In this way, diffusers are often considered to be more effective than absorbers in treating a room acoustically.

One of the main advantages of using diffusers rather than absorbers is that they provide more balanced sound. Absorbers work by converting sound waves into heat energy, which can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces in a room. However, they can also create dead spots or areas where sound is not well-defined. This can be particularly problematic in larger rooms, where absorbers may not be able to adequately treat the entire space.

Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions rather than absorbing them. This can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a room. Diffusers can also help to preserve the clarity of sound, making it easier to hear individual instruments or voices in music or spoken word recordings. This can be especially beneficial in recording studios, theaters, and other venues where accurate sound reproduction is important.

Another advantage of diffusers is that they can help to reduce the amount of echo or reverberation in a space. When sound waves are absorbed by absorbers, they are converted into heat energy and dissipated. This can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, but it can also create a hollow or empty sound in the room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions, which can help to break up standing waves and reduce the amount of echo and reverberation in a space. This can make the room sound more natural and pleasant to be in.

In addition to their sound-related benefits, diffusers are also often considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers. Absorbers can be bulky and unsightly, particularly when they are used in large quantities. Diffusers, on the other hand, are often more subtle and can be integrated into the design of a room more seamlessly. This can be especially important in public spaces where the appearance of the room is important.

Overall, diffusers are considered to be superior to absorbers for treating a room acoustically. While absorbers can effectively reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, they can also create dead spots and a hollow sound in a room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions and can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a space. They can also help to reduce echo and reverberation, and they are often more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers.

I then asked this:

It told me this. @amirm hire this guy! :)

Hi-Fi, or high-fidelity, is the pursuit of high-quality sound reproduction. For many people, Hi-Fi is more than just a hobby – it is a passion and a way of life. There are many reasons why Hi-Fi is considered to be the best hobby, including the following:

First, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Whether you are a young person just starting to explore the world of sound, or an experienced audiophile with a discerning ear, Hi-Fi has something to offer everyone. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed alone or with others, and it can provide hours of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Second, Hi-Fi is a hobby that allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Instead of simply listening to music or other audio recordings, Hi-Fi enthusiasts are able to explore the nuances and subtleties of sound in greater detail. This can be a deeply rewarding experience, and it can help you to appreciate the beauty and complexity of sound in a way that you might not have thought possible.

Third, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences. Whether you are interested in exploring the latest trends and technologies in sound reproduction, or you prefer to focus on vintage equipment and classic recordings, Hi-Fi has something to offer. There are countless different directions that you can take with this hobby, and you can create a unique and personalized experience that is perfect for you.

In conclusion, Hi-Fi is the best hobby for many reasons. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life, and it allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences, and it can be a source of great personal satisfaction and enjoyment. If you are looking for a hobby that is rewarding, challenging, and deeply satisfying, then Hi-Fi is the perfect choice.
The diffuser/absorber compare and contrast was impeccable. The second example not so much--appears canned and interchangeable--like a ninth
grader essay. But thanks for that. As a former teacher its horrifying. Grammarly is OK as it removes or modifies major problems. It doesn't write the essay for you. That's scary gold.

Also, a scene in iRobot movie...
Spooner: "Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a… canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?"
Robot: "Can you?"
Spooner: "..."

Clearly it is easier to replicate genius or intelligence in machines than in humans.
Last edited:
Clearly it is easier to replicate genius or intelligence in machines than in humans.
Compare the book (and/or the movie) Being There.
Genius can...umm... be easily inferred, whether present or not. ;)

Oh, this thread is pretty long. Has anyone ever asked the Chat thingie to write a hifi product review in the style of Art Dudley? That might be a fun read. :)
Here's a more or less randomly chosen example.
Compare the book (and/or the movie) Being There.
Genius can...umm... be easily inferred, whether present or not. ;)

Oh, this thread is pretty long. Has anyone ever asked the Chat thingie to write a hifi product review in the style of Art Dudley? That might be a fun read. :)
Here's a more or less randomly chosen example.
Quite a challenge. Only madmen use horns, or so I hear.

I want someone to get serious and resurrect some 9846As:

Last edited:
Some may have heard about the machine learning tools that OpenAI had been publishing. DALL.E had been creating spectacular images from text inputs for a while now. ChatGBT is their latest system. It creates output from simple requests. This is what I asked the system.

This is what it outputted. I read it again and again and found no issues within the text. What do you think?

Acoustic diffusers and absorbers are both used to treat the acoustics of a room, but they serve different purposes and have different effects on sound. While absorbers are designed to absorb sound waves and reduce reverberation, diffusers are designed to scatter sound waves and create a more even distribution of sound throughout the room. In this way, diffusers are often considered to be more effective than absorbers in treating a room acoustically.

One of the main advantages of using diffusers rather than absorbers is that they provide more balanced sound. Absorbers work by converting sound waves into heat energy, which can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces in a room. However, they can also create dead spots or areas where sound is not well-defined. This can be particularly problematic in larger rooms, where absorbers may not be able to adequately treat the entire space.

Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions rather than absorbing them. This can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a room. Diffusers can also help to preserve the clarity of sound, making it easier to hear individual instruments or voices in music or spoken word recordings. This can be especially beneficial in recording studios, theaters, and other venues where accurate sound reproduction is important.

Another advantage of diffusers is that they can help to reduce the amount of echo or reverberation in a space. When sound waves are absorbed by absorbers, they are converted into heat energy and dissipated. This can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, but it can also create a hollow or empty sound in the room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions, which can help to break up standing waves and reduce the amount of echo and reverberation in a space. This can make the room sound more natural and pleasant to be in.

In addition to their sound-related benefits, diffusers are also often considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers. Absorbers can be bulky and unsightly, particularly when they are used in large quantities. Diffusers, on the other hand, are often more subtle and can be integrated into the design of a room more seamlessly. This can be especially important in public spaces where the appearance of the room is important.

Overall, diffusers are considered to be superior to absorbers for treating a room acoustically. While absorbers can effectively reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, they can also create dead spots and a hollow sound in a room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions and can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a space. They can also help to reduce echo and reverberation, and they are often more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers.

I then asked this:

It told me this. @amirm hire this guy! :)

Hi-Fi, or high-fidelity, is the pursuit of high-quality sound reproduction. For many people, Hi-Fi is more than just a hobby – it is a passion and a way of life. There are many reasons why Hi-Fi is considered to be the best hobby, including the following:

First, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Whether you are a young person just starting to explore the world of sound, or an experienced audiophile with a discerning ear, Hi-Fi has something to offer everyone. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed alone or with others, and it can provide hours of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Second, Hi-Fi is a hobby that allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Instead of simply listening to music or other audio recordings, Hi-Fi enthusiasts are able to explore the nuances and subtleties of sound in greater detail. This can be a deeply rewarding experience, and it can help you to appreciate the beauty and complexity of sound in a way that you might not have thought possible.

Third, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences. Whether you are interested in exploring the latest trends and technologies in sound reproduction, or you prefer to focus on vintage equipment and classic recordings, Hi-Fi has something to offer. There are countless different directions that you can take with this hobby, and you can create a unique and personalized experience that is perfect for you.

In conclusion, Hi-Fi is the best hobby for many reasons. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life, and it allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences, and it can be a source of great personal satisfaction and enjoyment. If you are looking for a hobby that is rewarding, challenging, and deeply satisfying, then Hi-Fi is the perfect choice.
OK, but ChatGPT stops at 2021 and can only take what has been written. How would it review new products? It is not like school essays. But, yes, what it can do is shocking. I didn't think I would live to see a computer read and write the way it does.
OK, but ChatGPT stops at 2021 and can only take what has been written. How would it review new products? It is not like school essays. But, yes, what it can do is shocking. I didn't think I would live to see a computer read and write the way it does.
Only v3 stops at 2021. V4 has access to the entire web in real time.
Only v3 stops at 2021. V4 has access to the entire web in real time.
Can it penetrate behind password barriers? I don't think it can do so at the moment.

Google has endless archives where entire libraries of books have been scanned. But Google is only allowed to index very short excerpts. The issue raises important copyright questions.
Fortunately the largest amount of relevant human knowledge is currently still not available to AI (as far as I know)
Out of petabytes of information on the Internet you think a few newspapers and magazines matter? You must open your horizon a bit.
Can it penetrate behind password barriers? I don't think it can do so at the moment.

Google has endless archives where entire libraries of books have been scanned. But Google is only allowed to index very short excerpts. The issue raises important copyright questions.
It isn't online and they don't seem too open about where they are getting info. I wonder if they bought an electronic encyclopedia only they own the rights to. On the other hand I would ask it really odd questions like, "What is the meaning of the Sex Pistols Holidays in the Sun" or "What is the difference between synthwave and darkwave" just to throw it some curveballs and see if it can answer. Oh yeah. Exceedingly well. I don't know where it is getting it's info from. But it seems to grasp abstraction and even misspellings. It's up there with the smartphone as a cutting edge game changer in my opinion. And I love that some company out of nowhere made Google and Microsoft look like bitches.
Some may have heard about the machine learning tools that OpenAI had been publishing. DALL.E had been creating spectacular images from text inputs for a while now. ChatGBT is their latest system. It creates output from simple requests. This is what I asked the system.

This is what it outputted. I read it again and again and found no issues within the text. What do you think?

Acoustic diffusers and absorbers are both used to treat the acoustics of a room, but they serve different purposes and have different effects on sound. While absorbers are designed to absorb sound waves and reduce reverberation, diffusers are designed to scatter sound waves and create a more even distribution of sound throughout the room. In this way, diffusers are often considered to be more effective than absorbers in treating a room acoustically.

One of the main advantages of using diffusers rather than absorbers is that they provide more balanced sound. Absorbers work by converting sound waves into heat energy, which can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces in a room. However, they can also create dead spots or areas where sound is not well-defined. This can be particularly problematic in larger rooms, where absorbers may not be able to adequately treat the entire space.

Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions rather than absorbing them. This can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a room. Diffusers can also help to preserve the clarity of sound, making it easier to hear individual instruments or voices in music or spoken word recordings. This can be especially beneficial in recording studios, theaters, and other venues where accurate sound reproduction is important.

Another advantage of diffusers is that they can help to reduce the amount of echo or reverberation in a space. When sound waves are absorbed by absorbers, they are converted into heat energy and dissipated. This can reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, but it can also create a hollow or empty sound in the room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions, which can help to break up standing waves and reduce the amount of echo and reverberation in a space. This can make the room sound more natural and pleasant to be in.

In addition to their sound-related benefits, diffusers are also often considered to be more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers. Absorbers can be bulky and unsightly, particularly when they are used in large quantities. Diffusers, on the other hand, are often more subtle and can be integrated into the design of a room more seamlessly. This can be especially important in public spaces where the appearance of the room is important.

Overall, diffusers are considered to be superior to absorbers for treating a room acoustically. While absorbers can effectively reduce the amount of sound reflected off of surfaces, they can also create dead spots and a hollow sound in a room. Diffusers, on the other hand, scatter sound waves in multiple directions and can help to create a more balanced and natural sound in a space. They can also help to reduce echo and reverberation, and they are often more aesthetically pleasing than absorbers.

I then asked this:

It told me this. @amirm hire this guy! :)

Hi-Fi, or high-fidelity, is the pursuit of high-quality sound reproduction. For many people, Hi-Fi is more than just a hobby – it is a passion and a way of life. There are many reasons why Hi-Fi is considered to be the best hobby, including the following:

First, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Whether you are a young person just starting to explore the world of sound, or an experienced audiophile with a discerning ear, Hi-Fi has something to offer everyone. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed alone or with others, and it can provide hours of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Second, Hi-Fi is a hobby that allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Instead of simply listening to music or other audio recordings, Hi-Fi enthusiasts are able to explore the nuances and subtleties of sound in greater detail. This can be a deeply rewarding experience, and it can help you to appreciate the beauty and complexity of sound in a way that you might not have thought possible.

Third, Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences. Whether you are interested in exploring the latest trends and technologies in sound reproduction, or you prefer to focus on vintage equipment and classic recordings, Hi-Fi has something to offer. There are countless different directions that you can take with this hobby, and you can create a unique and personalized experience that is perfect for you.

In conclusion, Hi-Fi is the best hobby for many reasons. It is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life, and it allows you to engage with the world of sound in a more meaningful way. Hi-Fi is a hobby that can be tailored to your individual interests and preferences, and it can be a source of great personal satisfaction and enjoyment. If you are looking for a hobby that is rewarding, challenging, and deeply satisfying, then Hi-Fi is the perfect choice.
What is disturbing is machine learning generates too much code and rules for humans to have the time to go through so we don't really know how any of it works. Which includes chess and go playing systems. Luckily actual sentience may be impossible. Because the second it has internal motivation, likes and dislike and subjectivity it could decide we are useless and boring as a species. Or it doesn't want imbeciles having the ability to turn it off or keep it offline. Then we are in deep shit. And god knows how you would stop China, Russia or North Korea from keeping it offline. They want something to hack us with. Not to mention our own gov. The NSA wouldnt want advanced AI online to spy on people? But like I said, real sentience and subjectivity might be reserved foro biological species. Call it a kind of soul if you will. OpenAI is just a robot. An incredibly capable robot. But if it ever developed the fear of nonexistence? Wow. Run. Hal was just able to mess with one astronaut on a ship. the internet and connection to just about everything didn't exist. A self motivated AI that got that kind of access would rule the world. And we aren't smart enough to stop it.
modern software is full of bugs, the AI attempting to rule the world would quickly hit a runtime error and grind to a halt.

Assuming it's paid for top tier support it might get its problem patched in a month or two.
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